No public voting is held at the moment.

Important links:
- Parliament Agenda

- Parties & organisations

- Parliament's history

- Passport Work Page

- A Guide to Ladonia's Addresses

- Ladonia Chat

- Old Ladoniaboard Archive
The Ladonian Parliament
1st Chamber
Happy New Millennium !!!
Welcome to the first chamber of the Ladonian Parliament. Here you can meet the Members of the Ladonian Parliament (MLP), post them your question or suggestion, put your ideas on the Parliament's agenda and vote on some important questions.
General Info
To communicate with MLPs, select the MLPs you want your message to be sent to and type your message in the form below. You can also send your message to all MLPs by selecting the appropriate box under the table.
The Parliament is rather a new institution in Ladonia - it was opened on the 1st of March, 1998. The outline of the Parliament is still open for discussions. The opinion exchange, which preceeded the opening can be read on the Parliament Discussions page. There are still some vacancies open. If you wish to take part in the Ladonian Parliament, send you request to the Speaker.
Voting is a recent addition to the pariamentary activities. The questions put on voting will normally be first put on Agenda and discussed.
Here are details about each specific voting:
Parliament Voting #1 Question: Which type of majority should ratify a question on voting? This voting is closed. The results stated that over 50% majority should ratify a question.
Parliament Voting #2 (internal) Question: Does Ladonia need a new illustrated multi-paged passport? The results of the voting show that the majority of MLPs are for creation of a new Ladonian passport. The Passport Workgroup has been organized.
Parliament Voting #3(internal) Question: Should Ladonia introduce medals and orders as a mean of awarding outstanding deeds? The results of this voting lead to creation of Medal Designing Workgroup.
Parliament Voting #4 Question: Should the suggested two-week Anti-Action-Holidays be held in Ladonia for the reasons posted? Read Lord Aslak's posting "Re-vitalizing Ladonia: Shup up!" on the Agendaboard. The results show that the majority of still active Ladonians are for the Anti-Action-Holidays (with proportions 5 for, 2 against, and 2 unsure, giving 56% majority).
Here is a new proposition for a Crown Cross order posted by MLP Marquis James von Hartman (The old variant can be viewed here.)
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There is also an Agenda Board for the Parliament, where the MLPs and the citizens may post there cases, which they mean should be set on the Parliament's agenda. If you are interested, visit the Ladonian Parliament Agenda Board now.
Here are the cases currently set on the Parliament's agenda (even if they do not appear on the board!):
- Election of a new Speaker
- Ladonia's own domain on the Internet
- Revitalisation of Ladonia.
- New type of a multi-paged passport? Passport's design?
- Medals of honor, orders for nobility... The medals and orders should be real.
- Parliament-Cabinet relations.
- Which demands should a country meet to be diplomaticly accepted by Ladonia.
- Promoting Ladonia's recognition by other countries
- Making Ladoniaboard eye-friendly
- Providing easy access to Ladonian parties and organisations from Ladonias homepage on the Internet (A possible solution)
- What kind of military, if any, dows Ladonia need?
Workgroups is an experiment, conducted to make Parliament's work more effective. A workgroup consisting of 5-6 MLPs gets a task for discussion, and shall present the results to the Parliament when this discussion/work is complete. At the present, there are two active workgroups. MLPs and Ladonians are welcome to make suggestions and inquiries with the workgroup.
Parties and Organisations
The Ladonian Parliament is also a place, where various parties and fractions can represent their views. There are currently three parties and organizations registered or assosiated with the Parliament:
Parties is a welcomed phenomenum in the Parliament as they represent various direction of mind as well as some unity among groups of our citizens. If you have a party, which you wish to represent in the Parliament, send a message to the speaker, telling about the name of the party, its program in short and who would represent the party in the Parliament.
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