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There is a nature of man, a definite structure of existence that puts limits on perfectibility The nature of man can be changed either through historical evolution or through revolutionary action
Philosophy is the endeavor to advance from opinion about the order of man and society to science No Science in such matters is possible, only opinion; everybody is entitled to his opinions; we have a pluralistic society
Society is Man written large Man is society written small
Man exists in erotic tension toward the divine ground of his existence He doesn't; for I don't; and I'm the measure of man.
Man is disturbed by the question of the ground; by nature he is a questioner and seeker... Such questions are otiose (Comte); don't ask them, be a socialist man (Marx)
Education is the art of periagoge, of turning around (Plato) Education is the art of adjusting people so solidly to the climate of opinion prevelant at the time that they feel no desire to know
The process in which metaleptic reality becomes conscious and noetically articulate is the process in which the nature of man becomes luminous to itself as the life of reason Reason is instrumental reason. There is no such thing as a noetic rationality of man
Through the life of reason man realizes his freedom. Plato and Aristotle were fascists. The life of reason is a fascist endeavor
taken from Modern Age 1973 "On Classical Studies"; Eric Voegelin