I often think of when you were my little girl,

with knotted unkept hair that held not a curl.

The face of an angel that had a devilish grin.

You held my heart in your hands but never knew it,within.


 As you took your first baby steps,I knew from the start,

that you would be running away with my heart.

Then came school, which took you away.

You were growing up so fast,new ideas were underway!


 Boyfriends and dating, oh how did I cope!

Posters of rock stars that covered your walls.

Who was this stranger,

that roamed through my halls?


 At last graduation, I made it this far,

no longer a child, you drove your own car!

A job to manage, a will of your own.

I look at you now, and see how you have grown.


A beautiful woman in satin and lace,

a veil of white that covers your radiant face.

White roses you carry on your way to your groom.

Your wedding day, is about to resume.


 As you come down the aisle, with your Dad by your side.

My eyes are brimming with tears I try to hide.

The emotions that tug at my heart, are making my legs feel like jelly,

for deep down inside, you will always be, my little Kelly...

 Copyright © 1997 By Katie~