One morning in Ice Ville Alaska it was very cold. It was about 100 below 0 degrees ferenheit. Ice Ville is the coldest part of Alaska. Ice Ville is only 10 acres. At Ice Ville beach you can skate on the ice. Ice Ville beach is right on the edge of the arctic ocean. The warmest it ever gets in Ice Ville is zero degrees ferenheit. Ben and Sara were moving from Miami to Ice Ville. Miami is almost at the bottom of Florida. There weren't many people in Ice Ville. There were only 20 people living in Ice Ville. And the only school in Ice Ville is Ice Side Elementary. Ice Side Elementary is only big enough for two small class rooms. It was Ben's first day at school and he had home work. Ben hates home work. And back in Miami school Ben hardly turned in his home work the only way the teacher could make Ben do his home work was to write him up or bench him for the month. Sara always did good in school she always turned in her home work every day. Ben's old teacher's name was Mr. Bob and Ben's new teachers name was Mr. Strmensky. Sara's old teachers name was Mrs. Minnie. And Sara's got the same new teacher as Ben. Ben's real name was Benjamin but everyone calls him Ben. And when Ben's doing bad things the teacher calls him Benjamin to make him stop being bad because Ben doesn't like being called Benjamin. Sara loved doing her home work. Ben's home work for tonight was to write a short story at least two pages long. Then when Ben got home he looked out at the first star and said, ''What's so great that you can wish upon a star, well I wish I could and I wish that Mr. Strmensky would never give me homework again. Then after Ben left the window the star that Ben looked at blinked as if Ben's wish would come true. And Ben refused to do his home work tonight. Ben never knew that there was a real home work star. And if Ben didn't do his home work tonight the star would come after Ben and Ben will never be seen again.


That night before Ben went to bed he decided to write a short story because he didn't want to get written up or be benched for the month. Ben looked for some paper but he couldn't find any. Ben noticed that he was out of paper. Then all of a sudden a ringing noise came up real loud on Ben's alarm clock. Ben's alarm clock never could make that much noise. Then it stopped and someone talked on Ben's radio and he said, ''you're too late Ben you should have done your home work because that loud ringing noise on your alarm clock meant that your times up and you're too late." Then Ben said, "too late for what?" Then the man answered in a loud growl and said, "you're too late to do your home work because after you made that wish to not get any more home work from your teacher you had until 8:00 to get the last dangerous home work assignment done. But you failed."


Then Ben said, ''what wish?" Then the man stormed, ''this wish, ''what's so great that you can wish upon a star, well I wish I could and I wish that Mr. Strmensky would never give me home work again. Sound familiar?" the man laughed. Then the man said, '' go buy some paper at the store because if you don't get one more chance you will be lost in space forever." So Ben went outside and a piece of foil paper dropped in Ben's hands. Then Ben went inside to write a scary story on it and the scary story was called, 'THE MONSTERS AND THE ALIENS TAKE OVER. All of the aliens were octopuses and the four monsters were, Count Drackula, Prince Khor Ru The Mummy, Slappy The Evil Dummy, and Cuddles The Horrible Hamster. Ben put vampires and skeletons and lots of other monsters in a haunted house in the story. Ben never knew that the foil paper that fell in his hands was space paper and after you write on it at midnight that night the story you wrote on the space paper comes true. Then Ben finished the story and he went to bed. Ben never knew that the story he wrote on the space paper was gonna come true.


That night a loud noise woke Ben up. It was midnight. Ben went to see what that noise was. Then a noise came from Ben's closet. Ben went over there and opened the door fast. And there was nothing in there. But then Ben felt something poke into his back. Ben turned around and there was a knife sticking into the inside part of the closet door and there was another piece of foil paper and on the foil paper it said THIS IS NO DREAM YOU'RE MONSTER STORY YOU WROTE FOR YOU'RE HOME WORK STORY HAS COME TRUE.


Then all of a sudden Count Drackula stepped up behind Ben and tried to suck his blood. Then Sara stepped up behind Drackula and she said, ''hold it right there vampire." Didn't she now hew she was talking too?, Ben thought. But Drackula didn't move. So Sara got out a real wooden steak and held it up to Count Drackula. Instantly Count Drackula moved out of the way and Sara and Ben could escape. But there was something very wrong with Sara because that girl wasn't really Sara because Sara was in bed asleep and Ben was in a giant space ship in space. Then all of a sudden that girl that said that she's Sara turned into a witch and she said, ''you should have done your home work and not have made that wish about no more home work because that story you did was your last home work assignment forever because you will never see your teacher again so your teacher can not give you home work anymore because you will never see earth again and pretty soon you will be in a jail for the rest of your life."


Then Ben ran away. Then the witch said "you can run but you can't hide." So Ben kept running and then he bumped into another witch and she said "hello again." Then she started to laugh. Then all of a sudden Ben was back in his room. Then a beam of light passed over the trees and a ship landed in the woods. So Ben went out to see it. Ben never knew that he was in great danger.


Ben kept walking and walking until he reached the space ship. Then all of a sudden the space ship door opened and a huge really gross space octopus with slimy back tentacles stepped out of the ship and he said in a really grumpy voice, ''WE'RE HERE TO TAKE OVER THE EARTH'' So Ben tricked the octopus by saying, ''I think you got the wrong planet because the planet earth is in another universe." Then the octopus said, ''I know what you are thinking and I know this is the planet earth and there's nothing you can do to stop me from taking over the earth".


Ben started running and the octopus said, ''you can run but you can't hide''. Then the octopus started to chase them. Ben ran into the house and closed the door on the octopus. So the octopus broke though the door. Then Ben went out the back door Then all of a sudden another ship landed in the woods and the door opened and another octopus stepped out and he held up a laser gun and said, ''I will shoot you if you don't let us take over the earth and turn the earth into a monster planet." Ben said "you will never take over the earth." So the octopus aimed the laser gun at Ben and pulled the trigger.


Ben stood there as the laser poured though his whole body. Actually Ben didn't feel a thing. Then the octopus said, ''maybe the gun needs for me to tell the secret code''. So the octopus said the secret code and the secret code is, ''HOCUS POCUS SHOOT GUN SHOOT''. But before the gun could shoot Ben ran back into the house and locked the front door closed and went into his room and locked that door closed. Then Ben saw something on his bed. It was a paper and it said, ''to rip up the paper the story will no longer be true or maybe to make up your own alien take over story''. And on the top of the paper it said WARNING PAPER. Ben never knew that he should have read the back because since Ben didn't Ben would be in great danger.


So Ben unlocked the door to his room and looked all over the house for the paper but couldn't find it. But then automatically the foil paper that Ben would have to tear up dropped right on Ben's shoulders. But then all of a sudden the giant octopus broke though the front door and grabbed the foil paper right off Ben's shoulders and went back in the space ship but before the ships doors closed Ben climbed right in and the doors closed and the ship took of. Ben should have read the back of the paper that said to tear up the foil paper because the magic word was on the back of the warning paper and saying the magic word HOCUS POCUS would make the foil paper that Ben has to rip up just teleport to Ben. Ben never knew that he was making a very dangerous mistake instead of saying the magic word and reading the back of the warning paper!


The octopuses ship took off into the clouds with Ben in it. Then when the ship got into outer space all of a sudden Ben heard the ship go, ''WOOOOOOOOSH''. The ship was going in warp speed and when Ben held himself up to look out the window every thing in space looked as if it were on fire. Then when Ben sneaked up to the front of the ship he looked out the front window and saw that the ship was going though a tunnel of fire.


Then in seconds Ben found out that the ship was going so fast that space looked like a tunnel of fire. Then all of a sudden the ship slowed down real fast. It was still going about 2,000,000 miles an hour but all Ben could see was lines going by real fast. Then in seconds Ben found out that those were really stars going by so fast that they looked like lines. Then all of a sudden the ship slowed down to 100 miles an hour and Ben could see a planet that looked a lot like earth only it wasn't earth and on the year clock up front that the octopus was looking at said that Ben was about 5 years from earth. Then all of a sudden the ship landed on that earth planet with a loud BOOM THUD. Then when the ship stopped on the planet zillions of giant octopuses surrounded the ship that Ben was in. Then the octopus driving the ship stepped out of the ship and it grew about 9 times as big as it was now and as big as the octopus was in the ship was about 14 feet tall. So that means that the octopus is now 126 feet tall. And the octopuses started to talk about how to blow up the earth and there was nothing that Ben could do to stop them.


Ben tried to think of an idea how to warn the people on the earth about the octopuses trying to take over. So Ben tried looking for a radio to warn earth but Ben couldn't. There was wasn't a radio. But then Ben saw a radio right behind him. So Ben tried to call earth but the radio couldn't call that far with out the antennas on it and the octopuses had the antennas. So Ben tried to think of another idea but Ben couldn't think of one. But then Ben had an idea.


Ben's idea was to get in the drivers seat and take off in the ship and go back to earth. So Ben got in the drivers seat and the ship was still on. All Ben needed to do was to push the take off button and the ship would go in the air and Ben could push the button that pushes the ships tail down and Ben would go into space. So Ben started to push the take off button but before Ben could push the take off button someone from right next to Ben yelled, ''HEY STOP'', Ben was caught by all the giant 126 foot octopuses.


Ben turned around slowly to see the octopuses and there they all stood in a circle around the ship that Ben was in and the octopuses were looking directly at Ben.Then all of a sudden the ship that Ben was in took off into the clouds of the planet.So Ben steered the ship back into space and pusher the hyper warp speed button and instantly the ship went wwwishshshshsh. And again when Ben looked out the front window it looked like a tunnel of fire again. And on the mile map it said 100,000 more miles to earth.


The ship kept going with Ben in it. But then all of a sudden shooting started to shake the ship. Then Ben looked out the back window and saw hundreds of ships that looked just like the ship that Ben was in and they were trying to blow up Ben's ship. Will those ships follow Ben to earth and blow up the earth with Ben on it.


But to Ben's surprise the ships stopped and Ben's ship slowed down and there was the planet earth just one mile away.So Ben landed his ship on the earth and stepped out and he said, ''home sweat home''. Then all of a sudden the foil paper fell right in Ben's hands. So Ben started to rip up the paper.


Right after Ben ripped up the foil paper it magically disappeared. Then all of a sudden all of the octopuses ships landed and Ben heard a giant ship just right over his head. Then Ben looked up over his head and saw a humongus space ship with ten octopuses in it and that ship looked as if it was gonna land on Ben.


Then all of a sudden all of the ships disappeared like magic. Then Ben heard a noise, it was coming from inside Ben's house. Ben walked over to his house and listened to see where in his house the noise was coming from. Then magically the door opened and the noise was coming from down the hall. So Ben went down the hall and saw that the noise was coming from inside his room. So Ben went opened the door to his room real fast. And there was nothing in there. But then all of a sudden the very same foil paper that Ben ripped up dropped on Ben's bed. And on the paper last night it said that the persons name in Ben's alien take over story was Joe but instead of the paper saying the persons name was Joe it said where Ben put all the Joe's in the story instead of saying Joe in all those places it said Ben in all those places.


Ben didn't believe it. Ben erased where his name was in the story actually erased the whole story and ripped up the paper. Then Ben walked out of his room and heard someone knocking on the front door that goes outside. Ben quietly went to the front door and put his hand on the door knob and opened the door real fast and didn't believe it.


Right when Ben opened the front door it was morning and Ben's mom stood there in the door way and she said, ''hello Ben I went outside because I heard a noise it sounded like'' but before Ben's mom could say something else Ben hugged her and said, ''when can we have that special breakfast you said we would have this morning?' then Ben's mom said, ''now'' and went to set the table for breakfast. ''Dads in bed asleep right now why don't you go wake him up?'' mom said. ''Ok'' Ben answered. So Ben went up stairs and woke up dad. Dad came down stairs with Ben and mom said, ''breakfast is ready'' and dad took a place at the table next to Ben and mom brought some chocolate chip pancakes out from the kitchen and set it on the table. When Ben got to school he sat down in his chair and told the teacher that now he likes school. And likes school a lot better then being chased around by giant space alien octopuses. But Ben was wrong. At the end of school the Mr. Strmensky passed out homework to the other kids. But before Mr. Strmensky's could give Ben homework the earth blew up in one hundredth of a second. It looks like Ben's wish came true because the earth blew up and Mr. Strmensky couldn't give Ben homework because he was dead and so was everyone on the earth. Now Ben wishes that he never made that wish about no more homework Ben only gets one wish and that one wish came true because Ben's never gonna get another homework assignment because everyone is dead including Ben so if you don't come from earth you better be more careful what you wish for because your planet just might blow up too. What a very dangerous wish! Ben has been always wishing for no more homework and he finally got his wish no more homework.