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Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm ten years old. I used to live in Missouri. We now live near Palm Springs, California. My mom's name is Shannon.

I am in the fifth grade. I like school. It's a lot of fun. In Missouri, I went to a private christian school. Here in California, I went to a public school last year. This year, I am back in a private christian school My favorite subject is reading. I love to read books. I am a very good reader.

I also love to watch wrestling. My favorite wrestler is Sting. He is the greatest, the most awesome; he is the MAN! Need I go on? I also like Lex Lugar. He is pretty cool too. I have many hobbies. I collect Sonic The Hedgehog comic books. I also am an avid, avid, avid Sony Play Station freak. My Uncle Tim calls me a Vidiot. Thats because I love to play all the time.

Mom makes me stop, sometimes because I get really angry and I just need a break from it. I don't think I get mad, but everyone else does. I guess they are right some of the time.

I love the computer - it's so much fun. I'm also a big movie buff. I like lots of action. I get that from my Grandpa.

I have a half-brother and sister; they are my Dad's children, not my Mom's. I have three uncles. There is Tim, he is 40 years old and lives in California. Also, Chris; he is 37 and lives near us in the Palm Springs, California area. My Uncle Fred passed away in 1995. I really miss him, but I know he is with Jesus now. He is like an angel. Mom says he is with me all the time and watches over me. I'm glad.

I have lots of animals too. There is Cookie, he is an English Cocker and very fat. We call him Sluggo. There is also Maggie McGee. She is a mutt. (I call her Gee.) She sleeps with me every night. We also have another dog. Her name is Faith. She is the same breed as Cookie. LOL

My Mom's name is Shannon. She's 30 years old. Well, that is just a little about myself. I hope you enjoy my page. Thank you and God Bless You. Oh my, I almost forgot about my Grandma and Grandpa. How could I forget about them? Well, Mom and I live with them. They are really nice and a lot of fun. Well okay, this is the end of my talking. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Sconic the Hedgehog Info pagePretty cool!!!!!!
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