Raina's Pics
Here are some pics that I drew. Please be kind. Thankyou --Raina
SwordGuy Pic (22k)--A guy with a sword.
ElfGuy Pic (3k)--An elfie guy.
Archer Pic(29k)--An elven archer.. ..the pic's kinda big, it wouldnt shrink well..
Troll & Gnoll A bunch of K
I will get more when I scan more.
These pics are drawn by Raina. If you want to use any of them, or want me to draw one, please ask. Someone told me that if you
state that they're copywrited on the page, then they are copywrited. I'm not sure, if that's true, then I guess these are. Besides, I still have the
origionals. At any rate, please ask before
takin' em. Thanks!