The  Story Of Sara
Hello!!!  -  My Name is Sara, I was born on the 27th of December 2002, I had just one brother and a sister
I Soon started to grow, eat lots of food, and play with my brother and sister
I soon started to grow into a Big Dog - This is me at 9 weeks old
My Dad (Nick), took me to the Dog Club when I was 12 weeks old, and showed me off to his friends!
My dad (Nick), decided that I would have to go to a new home, and chose a new Dad and Mum for me, Sunny & John who lived in Staffordshire.   I would be a new friend for their old Dog, Bessie, So on Sunday 30th March, 2003, They came to a Dog Show to collect me and take me to my new home.
The 'Handover' -  Bessie Meets Sara for the first time.
L to R - Sunny and John, with Bessie, Carole and Nick (Sara's Breeders)with Sara
This is me and Bessie in the back of my new dads car, leaving for my new home
(Carickdale  Salsa)
Note :  The Piano Music playing on each page was Arranged, Played and Sequenced in Midi  (.mid) format  by my  Dad (John Haddleton) and is copyright, 1996, 2003.

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Yorkshire, England
My Breeders - Carickdale GSDs
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