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The Bestest Webmaster Resource Site on The Internet, or Anywhere for that matter!!!!

Look @ all of thees resources! Use IE5 with 1024x768 resolushon or else the site won't look rite. If you hav the rong settings, git out 'cause yu can't be a webmaster unless yu hav the tules and stuph. I don't need no visitors unless they have the recuired software to vew this site so it looks good!

Check it out! Yu can lern to due this two!

USe colors Lyke mee

The way i pick site colors is funn 'cause I just pick whjat I think iz cool. So when I am don I no it looks good cents the colors are cule becase I picked them mysellf.

How can you do it too? Just put colors in your font tags till it looks cule two u. See? <FONT color="green">cule</FONT>.

Looks good on a yella background too that is what i use. So when you are done testing that.

The End.

-Pic of my GF @ work-


This secshon izn't dun yet. It shuld be up in a few daze.