/* Chapter 8 - Program 4 - FUNCPNT.C */ #include void print_stuff(float data_to_ignore); void print_message(float list_this_data); void print_float(float data_to_print); void (*function_pointer)(float); int main() { float pi = 3.14159; float two_pi = 2.0 * pi; print_stuff(pi); function_pointer = print_stuff; function_pointer(pi); function_pointer = print_message; function_pointer(two_pi); function_pointer(13.0); function_pointer = print_float; function_pointer(pi); print_float(pi); return 0; } void print_stuff(float data_to_ignore) { printf("This is the print stuff function.\n"); } void print_message(float list_this_data) { printf("The data to be listed is %f\n", list_this_data); } void print_float(float data_to_print) { printf("The data to be printed is %f\n", data_to_print); } /* Result of execution This is the print stuff function. This is the print stuff function. The data to be listed is 6.283180 The data to be listed is 13.000000 The data to be printed is 3.141590 The data to be printed is 3.141590 */