El Tesoro de C.Errol Madre (The Teasure of C. Errol Madre)

Director: Don Adams, Escritores (Writers): Chris Hayward and Bob DeVinney
Elenco (Cast): Robert Karvelas como Larabee. 

Las mejores escenas (The best scenes)


KAOS le roba los fondos de financiamiento a CONTROL y lo pone en un terrible aprieto económico, el FBI ayuda a CONTROL dándole la oportunidad de recobrar un viejo tesoro y Max será el encargado de hacerlo.

KAOS steals CONTROL's bankroll, forcing CONTROL to move their offices into an elevator. Max tries to find the treasure of C. Errol Madre and use it as CONTROL's new money supply. Unfortunately, he also has to escape banditos and Froggsy Debs. Debs is played by Highway Patrol star Broderick Crawford, while Richard Yarmy also has a bit part in this one. (Resumen in English from Carl Birkmeyer's Episode List)