The Supercharger Rat Bin

Rats make great pets. Ever since I bought a charcoal-grey fancy rat on a whim, three years ago, I've been hooked. Templeton has passed on (I buried him in an empty peanut butter jar. Possibly a rat's favorite place, next to being in a room alone with a loaf of bread for five minutes.) I just acquired my second rat, an albino female named Bobbie from friends who moved away. I'll have some scans of my lovely in the future, in the meantime, scan these links below to learn why rats are some of the most loyal, smart, and enjoyable pets one can own. Bet you can't say that about a gerbil.


Minutes before this photo was taken by Mike Henderson, we decided to let my baby get acquainted with his ferrets Chester and Flower. Bobbie is always warm and eager to play with other animals. She and Chester got along fine, sniffing at one another and playing a little. Flower, on the other hand, didn't take it so well. She bit Bobbie on her little ear (With no blood, thank heavens.) When we pulled them apart, Flower then made her anger clear to Mike by taking a huge shit NEXT TO THE LITTERBOX. But my little Bobbie was a pro, and we got even more cute shots that I'll post soon. In the meantime, check out the links.

The World of Rats

American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association: Non-profit organization with an annual fee. Great source of info and contacts.
The US Division of the Rodent Legion: Help the cause! Join the rodent revolution!
Pet Rats 2.0: Loads of info on care, anatomy, and diet. Plus games, a breed database and more!!
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