This site is better visible in Oriya Fonts. Download Oriya Font From Here Visit for phonetic odia editor. Click here to visit
Welcome to the world of Sushant !! jgn^AH svAmP nyZn pH gAmP BbTU Em This is the picture of Lord Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra and Lord Jagannath of Puri. Puri is present in the cost of Orissa, a beautiful state present in the southeastern part of India. Lord Jagannath is considered as the chief Lord of Orissa. Lord Balabhadra is the elder brother and Devi Subhadra is the younger sister of Lord Jagannath. The temple of the Lord is called Sri Mandira. We, the people of the World salute the Lords. I am Sushant Kumar Dash, a Software Engineer, working in Bangalore, India. I am a Microsoft Certified Visual Basic 5.0 Professional. I am originnally form Bhunabaneswar , Orissa. To know more about me, please visit my personal page. In this page I have provided a Phonetic Oriya Font, compiled by me. This is absolutely Free of cost. Let me describe about this Font. Maan Normal Odia Akhyara All of we know that we have hundreds of alphabets in Oriya. The normal keyboard has only 52 letters and a handful of other characters. Therefore the font is designed to ensure maximum utilization of letters. The characters are phonetic. e.g. To write Sagar in Oriya using this font, you have to write ‘sAgr’ Please check if the alphabets are convenient for you or not. Your valuable suggestions will help me in creating more and more fonts in Oriya and hence serve you better. Please feel free to foreword this mail to your Oriya friends. No copyright law is applied for this font. It is totally free!!! Feel free to modify this using any font editing tools. This is designed for people like me, who are away from Orissa and want to write letters home using Computers, but suffer due to unavailability of Oriya fonts.(Or the cost of the available packages are too much). The developing of a keypad tool for writing Oriya easily will be soon available in the NET. Please check the following page to get more and more information. Please get back to me about any bugs you found during the installation and during usage. I am trying to create a standard unicoe font. The crrurrent font available as the unicode, doesn't contain the complex letters (Yuktakhayara). Oriya withour Yuktakhyar is like fish without water. I need help to dio that. If anybody is involved in the research and development of Oriya Type writer character sets or anybodu have more and more information about it, please help me. Please note: All the softwares available here are totally free of cost !! This is to help Oriyas around the world. If anybody wants to contribute anything, please send it to Lord Jagnnath Temple in the following address. This will indirectly help in improving the economy of Orissa.
What Others Say About Maan Normal Odia Akshyara I am very grateful to the following persons for their suggestions. Please sent your valuable suggestions so that I could provide more and more fonts and write your name on this page. :Sushant. Durga Prasad Choudhury (U.S.A) A couple of constructive criticisms/suggestions: 1. Your fonts look great, but lack the full power of the Odiya character set because most of the compound glyphs (Yuktakhyara) are missing. Also there are many ligatures that has become de-facto part of the standard character set. It would be nice if you could include those in your next version. Many commercial software makers do. You don't have to give your away for free, though. You could easily sell them. I paid $30 (U.S. currency) last year for a set of true type fonts. This brings me to a second point of standardizing the character set. I have had numerous debates about this with several people at various times. While we have disagreed upon the what would be an "ideal standard", we all have always agreed that a standard needs to be developed and enforced to ensure compatibility between different font vendors. The unicode symposium has included Oriya as part of the unicode standard, thereby giving it an international standard. I do not know if anyone has implemented it. Probably not. May be you should undertake that task because Unicode will be the character set of the future and already most software vendors are adopting it. 2. May be you should supply your fonts in formats other than true-type (e.g. PostScript, MetaFonts etc) for poor Unix users like myself? Again, you can sell it, you know, so your efforts will be monetarily rewarded. Finally, I am pleasantly surprised that you undertook and accomplished this mission while living in a remore rural location of Orissa (at least that's what your mailing address says.) We folks here in the west should take some inspiration from you. Ahimanikya Satpathy & Debasmita Mishra (USA) Its really Cool !!! I was looking for a Phonetic Free Odia Font from long time. It will help us in many respect i believe. Thank you for for your information A link to your website and the oriya font is already included in the Oriya Homepage. K.E.Pedersen (Denmark) Thank you for your effort, which is truely admirable. As a programming physician, I know a little of the hardships you have been through. On the other hand, I appreciate your joy writing the lovely letters of the Oriya language. Did you ever visit the site called CCER on middle egyptian? It is lovely too. Debasis Mohapatra (India) Congratulation ! Realy you have done a greet job.I am realy excited by seeing my own language in ms word.Tell me who made this thing possible .You should write something about developer.One problem I faced that when i used in word art it din’t work. Contact Me: My home address:
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