Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.072 Siilavanaaga Jaataka The bodhisatva was once an elephant in the Himalayas, head of a herd of 80,000. His name was Siilava. One day he saw a Benares forester who had lost his way. Feeling compassion for him, the elephant took him to his dwelling, fed him with all kinds of fruit, and then taking him to the edge of the forest, set him on his way to Benares. The wretched man noted all the landmarks, and on reaching the city, struck a deal with some ivory workers to supply them with Siilavaís tusks. He then returned to the forest and begged Siilava for a part of his tusks, pleading poverty and lack of livelihood. Siilava allowed the ends of his tusks to be sawn off. The man returned again and again until Siilava even allowed him to dig out the stumps of his tusks as well. As the man was on his way back to Benares, the earth opened and swallowed him up into hell. A tree-sprite who had witnessed the events, spoke a stanza illustrating the evils of ingratitude. The Jataka was related in reference to Devadattaís wickedness. He is identified with the forester and Sariputta with the tree-sprite. 56/182 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.i.319ff. ingratitude, self-discipline

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Last modified on: Sunday, 2 January 2000.