Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.092 Mahaasaara Jaataka The bodhisatva was once minister of the king of Benares. One day when the king went with his queens to the park and the latter took off their ornaments for bathing, A female monkey, watching for her opportunity, stole a pearl necklace. On the loss being discovered, the king had every person and every place searched. A rustic, seeing the commotion, took to his heels and was chased and captured by the guards. When questioned, he confessed to having stolen the necklace, thinking that the best way to save his neck -- he said he had given the necklace to the treasurer. The treasurer said he had given it to the chaplain, the chaplain to the chief musician, the musician to the courtesan. The bodhisatva doubted their words and decided that the necklace had been stolen by a monkey. He gave orders that monkeys be released with strings of beads round their necks, wrists and ankles. The monkey who had stolen the necklace, on seeing the others with beads, was filled with jealousy and produced the necklace. The guards frightened her, so she dropped it and the bodhisatva was greatly praised for his wisdom. The Jataka was told in reference to Ananda. Pasenadiís wives wished for someone to preach to them in the palace. Ananda was appointed by the Buddha, but one day, on entering the palace found everyone dejected because of a lost jewel from the kingís turban. Ananda asked that all suspects be given a wisp of straw on a lump of clay, with the idea that the thief would leave the jewel in the clay. The ruse did not however succeed, and instead everyone was asked to wash their hands privately in a water pot. When all had washed their hands, the jewel was found in the water pot. Ananda is identified with the king. 56/325 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.i.381ff. wits, resourcefulness

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Last modified on: Sunday, 2 January 2000.