Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.291 Bhadragha.ta Jaataka | Kumbhabhedaka Jaataka Once the bodhisatva was a rich merchant with an only son. He did great good and was born as Sakka. The son squandered all his wealth in drinking and amusements and fell into poverty. Sakka took pity on him and gave him the ‘bhadraghata’ (wishing cup) asking him to take care of it. But, one day when the son was drunk, he threw the cup into the air and smashed it, thus reducing himself once again to misery. The Jataka was related in reference to a ne’er-do-well nephew of Anathapindika. His uncle helped him again and again, but he squandered everything, and one day Anathapindika turned him out of the house. The two squanderers were the same. 58/321 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.ii.431ff. drunkenness, beyond help

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Last modified on: Sunday, 2 January 2000.