Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.332 Rathala.t.thi Jaataka While on his way down a narrow road to his village estate, the chaplain of the king of Benares found his way blocked by a caravan, and becoming impatient, threw his goad at the driver of the caravanís leading cart. The goad, however, struck the yoke of his own chariot, and rebounding, hit him on the forehead where a lump appeared. He turned back in a rage and complained to the king who, without any enquiry, confiscated the property of the caravan owner. The bodhisatva, however, who was the kingís chief judge, had the order reversed. The story was told in reference to the chaplain of the king of Kosala who was guilty of a similar offence, but in this case, the king had the case examined by his judges and the chaplain was proclaimed guilty. 58/593 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iii.104ff. temper, anger, justice

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