Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.337 Pii.tha Jaataka The bodhisatva was once an ascetic in the Himalayas. One day, having gone to Benares for salt and vinegar, he entered the city for alms and went to the house of a merchant with a reputation for piety. However, the merchant was away at the court and, as the ascetic saw no-one at home, he turned and went away. On the way, he was met by the merchant, who apologized for his absence and invited him to return to his house. The story was told to a monk, who on joining the Order, inquired who looked after the monks. On being told that Anathapindika and Visakha did so, he went to their houses very early the next day. It was so early that no one attended to him. When he returned later it was too late and all the food had gone. Thereupon, he started abusing the two families. 58/626 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iii.118ff. untimeliness

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