Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.352 Sujaata Jaataka The bodhisatva was once a landowner of Benares named Sujaata. When his grandfather died, his father gave himself up to despair and, having erected a mound over the dead manís bones, spent all his time offering flowers there. Wishing to cure him, Sujaata feigned madness and, seeing a dead ox outside the city, put grass and water near it and kept on trying to make it eat and drink. News of this was carried to his father, who hurried to the spot. In the course of their conversation, Sujaata convinced his father of his folly. The Jataka was told to a lay-follower of the Buddha who, after his fatherís death, gave himself up to grief. The Buddha visited him and told him this story. 58/713 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iii.155ff. mourning, bereavement

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