Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.417 Kaccaani Jaataka A young man devoted himself, after his fatherís death, entirely to his mother, till the later, much against his will, brought him a wife. The wife plotted to estrange mother and son, and the old woman had to leave the house. The wife, having given birth to a son, went about saying that if the mother-in-law had been with her, such a blessing would have been impossible. When the old woman heard of this, she felt that such words showed that Dhamma must be dead. The woman went to a ceremony and started to perform a rite in the memory of the dead Dhamma. Sakkaís throne became heated and hearing her story used his powers to reconcile the old woman with her son and daughter-in-law. The story was related to a young man of Savatthi who looked after his aged mother till his wife came. The wife helped to look after her mother in law at first, but later grew jealous of her husbandís love for his mother and contrived to make the son angry with his mother. Finally she asked the man to choose between herself and his mother. The young man, without hesitation stood up for his mother and the wife, realizing her folly, mended her ways. 59/454 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iii.422ff. filial piety

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