Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.444 Ka.nhadiipaayana Jaataka | Ma.n.davya Jaataka During the reign of Kosambika in Kosambhi, two brahmins, Dipayana and Mandavya gave away their vast wealth and lived for fifty years in the Himalayas as ascetics. Later, on pilgrimage to Benares they were entertained by a householder who was also named Mandavya. Dipayana journeyed on, while Mandavya ascetic stayed in a cemetary near Benares. There some robbers left some stolen goods outside his hut and Mandavya, being charged for the theft was impaled by the king. By virtue of his great powers, he still managed to live. Dipayana came to visit his friend, and finding despite his predicament that he bore no ill-will to anyone, took up his abode under his friendís impaled body. Gouts of gore fell from Mandavyaís wound onto Dipayanaís golden body and there dried forming black spots (thus he became known as ëKanha-Dipayanaí). Later the king heard the news and released Mandavya, but he still had some wooden stake inside him so thenceforth became known as ëAni-Mandavyaí. Dipayana returned to visit the householder Mandavya whose son Ya~n~nadatta he healed of a snake bite by resolution. All were thenceforth established in earnestness giving up half-heartedness for the ascetic life (Dipayana), disbelief in the fruits of generosity (Mandavya householder), lack of love for her husband (Mandavyaís wife). Mandavya householder was Ananda, his wife Visakha, the son Rahula, Animandavya Sariputta and Dipayana the Bodhisatva. The occasion of the story was the same as that of the Kusa Jataka (J.531). 59/831 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iv.027ff. resolution, truthfulness

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