Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.486 Mahaaukkusa Jaataka Not far from a certain village settlement, a hawk lived on the south shore of a lake. He courted a female hawk on the western shore, and, at her suggestion, made friendswith an osprey on the west side, a lion on the north and a tortoise on the lake’s island. One day, some men wandering in search of food, lay down under the tree where the hawks lived and kindled a fire to keep away the insects. The smoke disturbed the young hawks which cried in alarm. The men heard the sound a wished to obtain the birds for their food. The she-hawk, perceiving the danger, sent her husband to summon their friends. First came the osprey who brought water with his wings and quenched the fire every time it was lit. When he was tired, the tortoise sent his son with mud from the lake to quench the fire. The men caught the tortoise and tied it with creepers, but he plunged into the lake, dragging the men with him. Finally the lion appeared and at his first roar, the men fled and the friends rejoiced over the firmness of their friendship. The story was told in reference to Mittagandhaka and his wife. They were the hawks of the story. Rahula was the young tortoise, Moggallana the father tortoise, Sariputta was the osprey and the lion was the bodhisatva. 60/373 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iv.288ff. true friendship

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