Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.504 Bhallaatika Jaataka The bodhisatva was once born as Bhallatiya, king of Benares. Desirous of eating venison cooked on charcoal, he gave the kingdom in charge of his courtiers and went to the Himalayas on a hunting expedition. While wandering near Gandhamadana, among pleasant streams and groves, he came across two kinnaras fondly embracing one another and then weeping and wailing most pitifully. The king quieted his hounds, laid down his weapons and approached the kinnaras. In answer to his questions, the female told him that one day, while she was picking flowers on the opposite bank for a garland for her lover, it grew late and a storm arose. The stream which separated the two lovers swelled in flood and they had to spend the night apart from each other. The memory of one night passed in separation, had filled them with sorrow for 697 years and they still wept whenever they thought of it. The story was told in reference to a quarrel between Pasenadi and Mallika about conjugal rights. They were sulky and refused to look at one another. The Buddha visited the palace and reconciled them. The two kinnaras were identified with the king and the queen. 61/144 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iv.437ff. intimacy

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