Academic Sutta Name Notes PSA Plae Vagga Nikaya PTS Keywords
J.506 Campeyya Jaataka Once the king of Magadha, at constant war with the king of Anga, enlisted the help of a naga-king who dwelled in the river Campa and was able to defeat his rival. Thereafter he held an annual festival in honour of the naga-king. The bodhisatva, a very poor man, saw Campeyya’s splendour on his way to the feast and longed for such greatness. As a result, after his death, he was reborn in the Naga-world where he became king under the name of Campeyya. Realizing what had happened, he felt disgust with his position as a naga and made many attempts to observe religious vows, hoping in this way to gain release. He was foiled in his attempts by his consort Sumana. At last he came to the world of men, where he kept fast on certain days, lying on an anthill. There he was taken captive by a snake charmer who tortured him in various ways and took him about exhibiting him for gain. By certain tokens of which Campeyya had earlier warned her, Sumana knew that her husband had been taken captive, and after much searching, discovered him just as the snake charmer was about to give a performance before uggasena, king of Benares. The whole story was then revealed and the snake charmer set Campeyya free. That Uggasena might be convinced of the truth of the story, he was invited to the Naga world, where he and his retinue were lavishly entertained. The story was related in connection with the observance of the Eight Precepts. Devadatta was the snake charmer and Sariputta was Uggasena. Rahulamata was Sumana. 61/185 Jaataka Khuddhaka J.iv.454ff. Eight Precepts, self-discipline

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