About us...

Hi, you are about to meet the creators of this web site.

As you have guessed by now, we live in Pictou, Nova Scotia.  My husband has lived here all his life and I moved here 5 years ago but has strong roots here.  Over the last few years we have watched Pictou go from a town with a bleak outlook (due to a drop in the fishing industry and layoffs at local mills and factories) to a tourism destination for thousands every year!!  As we said before we are very proud of the town and want to show it off to the world hoping they will someday come and visit our seaside oasis.

We are the proud parents of teo little girls aged 2 1/2 and 4 months, they keep us busy most of the time but we somehow managed to find time to make this site!!  We are dediated to raising our daughters the best we can and hope to instill the same sense of heritage respect for their ancestors that we have.

E-mail us with questions or comments

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