Sure, I was quite distracted, but fortunately, I at least had the presence of mind to put her down, while I unlocked the front door.  My bride-- my wife-- stood there on the porch, stroked my back, and patiently waited, as I took too long to get the key in properly.  Haste makes waste, I reminded myself.
    She was grinning at me, as I swung the door open, and scooped her up again.  She let out one of her laughs, the kind that thrills my soul, as I carried her over the threshold.  Lily is so petite, that I could just as easily have continued carrying her, but she is an independent sort,  so I put her down, to shut the door.  But, I kissed her, first.  I locked us in, then turned back, and I was finally able to give her my full attention.  Finally!  We were alone.
    Neither of us bothered to turn on the light.  "What a day!" Lily exclaimed, happy but relieved.  She removed her cape, and draped it over the back of the nearest chair.
    "And, the festivities have just begun!"  I replied, grinning back at her.  Lily blushed.  But then, she took firm hold of me, and began moving us in the direction of the bedroom of her tiny woodland cottage.  But, I guess I should say our bedroom, in our cottage, now!  I have to admit, that I wasn’t expecting her to be the one to lead us to the bedroom.  Not displeased, I said, "So, do you want to go straight to bed?"  It was only 10 p.m.
    "Absolutely!" She answered, "But first, I’ve got to take my hair down, and scrub this makeup off my face, and could you help me get out of my dress?"
    "Not a problem," I responded. "Oh, wow!" was my reaction to what I saw, when Lily opened the bedroom door, and flipped the light switch.
    "Welcome to our bedroom, beloved," she said simply, and gave me a squeeze.
    "Wow," I repeated, "you’ve done an unbelievable job, fixing this place up."  I had seen the living room, kitchen and guest room, as they were being transformed.  Lily even let me help.  But, she wouldn’t let me in the bedroom.
    "I tried my best not to make it too feminine."  She laughed, and continued, "if  I had my way, I’d cover every square inch with pink roses, not just a throw pillow, or two."
    "No, it’s wonderful.  It’s perfect."  I was rapidly getting used to the idea of coming home, to this place.
Lily looked up at me, and said, "oh, thank you!"  And she squeezed me tightly, once more.  Lily always seems so genuinely surprised and overwhelmed, when I compliment her.
    She detached herself from me, then made her way over to the dressing table, on the other side of the bed.  I followed, taking off my tuxedo jacket, and laying it on the bench, which stood at the foot of the bed.
I remembered my task of removing her dress.  I examined the lacing on her back, as she sat down on the little stool.  I knelt down, and began fiddling with the bow.  Lily had taken off her tiara, and was now extracting hairpins.  I looked up, to see her hair falling down, one tendril at a time.  She broke my stare by saying, "I think you have to loosen the knot, not just pull the ends."
    Lily was looking at me in the mirror.  Her hair was still sticking out, every which way.  She began brushing it.  I got back to work, and began to have some success at getting her unlaced.
When I finished, and leaned forward to kiss the side of her neck.  Lily had been in the middle of getting her makeup off, with a baby-wipe.  She paused to reach back, and stroke my hair and cheek.  Then, she redoubled her efforts, to remove every last speck, as quickly as possible.   I could hear a soft, melodic giggle rise in her throat.
    I got up off my knees and sat on the bed.  Lily had finished with the baby-wipe,  and was reaching for a tissue.  "Let me," I said, and got the tissue myself.  She swiveled toward me and leaned forward, so I could pat her face with it, and pick up any remaining moisture.
    But, about three seconds later, Lily apparently decided she had had enough of that, and leaned forward even more, to the point of getting off the stool, and into my face.  "Great!"  She exclaimed, "let’s get this dress off me, my love!"  She kissed me on the mouth, and held my hands.  Then she pulled away again, and drew me up, off the bed.  She brought me back over to the closet, by the door.
    At that point, I was beginning to be intrigued by the fact that she seemed surprisingly eager, and yet didn’t just start ripping my clothes off, the minute we got in the door either, makeup and hair be damned.  I guess I’m no expert on the sexual behavior of soon-to-be ex-virgins.  Especially this one.  I was completely willing to go with it, how ever she wanted things, tonight.  I found myself relieved, actually, that she was taking the lead.   I was no longer worried, that I might go too fast for her.  We’d only been home for maybe five minutes, and things were progressing nicely.
    Lily is definitely neater than I have a tendency to be.  I made it a point to grab my jacket, on the way by the bench.  I hung it in the closet, when Lily slid it’s door open.  I could tell that she was pleased by this, but wasn’t going to make a big deal of it.  She was sliding her bodice off her shoulders, and removing her arms from the sleeves.   She looked up at me, as she took hold of my arm, to steady herself and shimmy out of her skirts.   Lily had to take a wide step to the side, to avoid treading on the voluminous pile of tulle and lace on the floor.   She bent down, and picked it up.  She handed it to me, then grabbed the robe hanging inside the closet.
    "It’s a gorgeous dress, but a tad impractical," Lily remarked, covering her body and oh-so-practical cotton underwear, with the robe.  I hung her gorgeous, impractical creation on the padded hanger.  "Oh, my shoes!"  She said, bringing them to her own attention, and mine.  I was still recovering from the sight of parts of her body, which I hadn’t had the privilege of viewing before then.  Lily sat on the bed.
    "I’ve got it!" I said, kneeling once more.
    As I cradled her foot, Lily whispered, "You are such a sweetie, Rick! The way you treat me, I love it.  Thank you."
    "I love you," I replied.  Lily was beginning to be a little emotional, and I know how she can get embarrassed by that, so I looked down, to undo the laces on her ghillies.  Lily very sensibly had everyone in the wedding party wear them.  And, I have to agree that they are much more comfortable for dancing in, than regular dress shoes.  My ghillie brogues look every bit as sharp, too.  But, then again, I had to carry her from the car to the front porch, so hers wouldn’t get spoiled.  Not that I minded.
    I was unwrapping the laces from around her ankle, and holding her leg.  I was enjoying that I was finally free to touch her the way I wanted, even if it was just her leg, at that point.  I looked up at her again, after I was able to draw the shoe off her foot.  That robe she threw on wasn’t covering her very well.  I lifted up her other foot, and her robe fell away even more.  After four months of knowing her,  I finally got to see what she was hiding under those long skirts she wears.  She told me to trust her, that no one would want to see her legs.  I guess she meant that they were just as fair-skinned as the rest of her, and…
    "Birth mark."  Lily explained, when she saw me noticing the dark blotch.  "I joke that, that’s were all my pigment went."  I nodded in comprehension.  I finished with her other shoe and her ankle socks, but I didn’t get up right away.  I found myself kissing her knees.  "Thank you for untying me, beloved," she whispered, and bent forward to kiss the top of my head, and stroke my hair.
    Lily said, "now, it’s your turn," and drew me up, by my vest.  I looked up, and she had such a look of love in her eyes,  that I felt my heart turn over.  A feeling I’ve been experiencing often, since the first day I saw her.  She parted her knees, so I could get closer, and proceeded to unbutton me.  I pulled my shirttails out, as she started on my shirt buttons.
    "Lily, remember back, when you said that, if you could have your way with me, you’d pounce on me, and kiss me all over?"  I asked, as I took off my shirt and vest at the same time.
    "Uh-huh," was all she could get out.  She was getting into it now, must have been the sight of my chest.  I got up and sat on the bed, beside her.  I started taking my own shoes off.
    "I want to," she said, and knelt on the floor, herself.  I shook my head, slightly, in amazement.  What woman nowadays, would get down on the floor, to take a man’s shoes off, for him?  It doesn’t seem too bizarre, when I do it for her.  I would do anything for her.  But, I am almost a foot taller than she is.  She is always looking up at me, anyway.  That Lily, the Queen of all God’s creation, in my view, would purposely lower herself even more, is a mind-blower.
    Why does Lily treats me with such honor?  Lily knows me.  Really knows me.  Sure, the girls I was with before, treated me like a demigod, but I think they were really in it for themselves, not for me.  I never let any of them see inside.  They were mostly interested in the fantasy, or maybe the bragging rights.  But, I wanted to be treated like the human I am.  Not as a god, and not as a piece of meat, like some of the "fans" do.  I don’t want that kind of "love."   I’ve the real thing, now.  Lily was the one who could see past all the trappings.  She looked into my eyes, and saw my soul.  I didn’t have to find the bravery to reveal it, myself.  She saw the real me.   And, she truly loves me, anyway. Irrespective of the circumstances of my life.
    I told Lily once, that I didn’t deserve her.  She replied, that’s true, you don’t.  I was surprised by her answer.  But, she continued to say that she doesn’t deserve me either, and fortunately, it has nothing to do with deserving.  Deserving has to do with earning, she explained, and how can we earn love?   If we do, then it is a conditional love.  She told me that unconditional love is priceless, therefore it must be free.  Lily has taught me so much about what it means to love…
    When Lily finished with my shoes and socks, I helped her up again.  "Thanks, hon," I said.  I held her at the waist, and said,  "kiss me all over."    I was half-way expecting that she would kiss me fast and furious, like they did in those old movies.  But, she didn’t.  Lily took hold of my head, and  started kissing, and caressing practically every square inch of my face.  Very, very slowly.  She lingered, as if every tiny bit of me was cherished.  I began to hold her more and more tightly, as she continued.  She was attending to my ear, when I felt something warm and wet, there.  Her tears.  "Oh, Lily," I said, wanting to comfort her.  She didn’t stop.  She moved on to my neck.  At that point, I really couldn’t take it any more. I asked her, "lights on or off?"
     "Huh?"  Lily looked at me.  "Oh!  It’s up to you, love, but you know how I kiss you with my eyes open."  I wiped the tears from her cheeks with my fingers.
    I was hoping for lights off.  "How about candle light?"
    "Brilliant," she replied, grinning through her tears, at her pun.  "The lighter is in the night stand."  I got up, to light the candle sconce on the wall.  Meanwhile, she turned down the double wedding ring quilt, and white top sheet, with the words "je t'aime" repeated in pale embroidery across the hem.   I got the candle lit, and went to turn off the light.  I flipped the switch, and slowly shut the bedroom door, as my eyes adjusted to the softer light.
    I locked us in, then I turned, and saw her climbing into bed, sans robe.  I told her, "nothing exists outside this room."  I undid my belt, unzipped, and kicked my trousers off.  I got under the covers, too, and we both laid down, facing each other.
    Lily reached for my hand, to take my watch off.  She told me,  "there is no time here, either."  Then, she had to reach all the way across me,  to put it on the night stand.  I saw that it was 10:10, before she was able to turn the little clock sitting there, around to face the wall.  "Besides," she continued, gazing into my eyes, as her chest rested on mine, "we should wear nothing but our rings."
    "I agree," I said, and proceeded to unhook her bra.  She smiled at my clever segue.  Lily slipped out of it, and tossed it somewhere, but I kept my arm around her waist, so she couldn’t get away.  I started gently stroking her bare back, while looking silently back, into her loving eyes.  I was just getting used to this new experience, of our flesh touching.  And, letting her get used to it, as well.  Then, I touched her beautiful face, her hair.  I held her close, and we began to kiss.  Which was hard, since we were both smiling.  I rolled us over, but I stayed to her side.  I didn’t want to crush her.  I kissed Lily’s mouth some more, then moved on to her neck.  I could tell that she was enjoying it, and wanting me to continue.  I was pleased that she was accepting, finally, my advances.  But, I believe I understood why she needed to wait.  I started kissing her shoulder and chest.  I touched her breasts, and kissed them.  Her breathing started to deepen.  She was pulling me closer.
    I felt my erection coming.  I moved back up, kissed Lily’s mouth and her cheek, and whispered in her ear, "are you ready?"  Then, I looked in her eyes, and stroking her hair, awaited her reply.
    Lily looked me in the eye, nodded, then said, "very ready."
    "O.K."  I smiled, because I felt that I needed to reassure her, but I know she trusted me.  I kissed her once more,  then I had to let go of her, so I could get my shorts off.  Lily wasn’t, however, taking her panties off.  Instead, she was just looking at me, and breathing quite a bit.  I guess she needed me to take over, at that point.  So, I turned, and put my two hands on her waist.
    Lily’s is not the most spectacular body I’ve ever seen.  Or had, for that matter.   But to me, it is the most precious thing I’ve ever touched.  I felt like kissing her stomach.  I did, and it seemed like it was a kiss of blessing, not passion, or even affection.
    I moved my hands downward, until they came in contact with her panties.  I slipped them off, running my hands along her legs, the entire way down.  "Scoot down a bit," I told her.  I didn’t want to be hitting my head on the headboard.  Lily moved herself lower on the bed.  I placed the pillow behind her head again.  I climbed over, and got us into position.
    Lily was still silent, and looking at me.  I could tell her heart was beating a mile a minute.  Lily reflexively reached up to me, as I entered her for the first time.  I was able to speak, "Now, there is nothing left, separating you and me, Lily.  We are one, forever."
    Her lips parted, as she caught her breath.   Her eyes opened wider.  Then they closed.  I smiled to myself, and got to work.

"A Lily Among Thorns"
Chapter 1: The Threshold
Chapter 2: The Communion

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  "Love Among The Ruins" by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, courtesy of CGFA.
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