The United Confederation
of Taino People

Declaration of 3 January 1998

On Saturday January 3, 1998. the newly recognized Declaration of the United Confederation of Taino People was signed and went into effect this January 4th,1998. This historic Taino peoples Declaration has been submitted to the United Nations for recognition and publication. (Contact: Mr. Roberto Mucaro Borrero, Public Relations UCTP,

WE THE TAINO PEOPLE, determined to secure the blessings bestowed upon us by the Creator, with respect for our mother earth, each other, our elders and ancestors, affirming and safeguarding our Indigenous cultural heritage and spiritual traditions, and in dedication to our children and future generations, do hereby acknowledge and accept on this third day of January, Nineteen hundred and ninety-eight (1998), this declaration with its articles being established by the people unified and hereby constituting the United Confederation of Taino People (La Confederacion Unida del Pueblo Taino):

Article 1

The United Confederation of Taino People, here and after referred to as the Confederation, endeavors to unite and enlist representatives of Taino organizations, groups, and societies devoted to protect, defend, and preserve the Taino cultural heritage and spiritual tradition.

Taino cultural heritage and spiritual tradition includes but is not limited to the protection and maintenance of our ancestral remains, sacred sites, artifacts, and religious practices which involve the use of ceremonial objects such as sacred plants and various feathers indigenous to the Circum-Caribbean region which shall include: The greater and lesser Antilles, the Bahamas, Bimini (Florida), the northern coastal area of South America and the Yucatan Peninsula.

Article 2

The Confederation diligently endeavors to encourage friendships, foster alliances, and maintain communications and good relationships among Taino Yucayeques, organizations, groups, and societies, in particular those divided by international borders.

Article 3

The Confederation will endeavor to promote spiritual, cultural, educational, economic, and social activities for the development of contemporary Taino communities and our future generations.

Article 4

The Confederation will encourage and support a central, ethnic Taino registration mechanism, recognized by each regional territory, that will strengthen the understanding and cooperation between all regional territories or jurisdictions and their leadership.

Article 5

Issues of concern to the Taino People requiring a regional concerted action will be resolved in consultation with the Confederation.

Article 6

The Confederation recognizes and respects the autonomy of each member organization, group or society promoting and practicing the principles and values left by our ancestors from time immemorial and that have been established and accepted by the Confederation.

The Confederation through majority consensus of its membership will expect accountability of any Taino Yucayeque, organization, group, society or leaders attempting to create disharmony amongst Taino people, abuse their leadership positions, engage in false statements and/or creating the confusion that they represent the sole leadership of the Taino People (or this Confederation).

Article 7

This declaration shall be transmitted by the Confederation to the Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

The Confederation shall inform the Secretariat of the United Nations of all signatory and denounceations received with respect to this Declaration.

Article 8

The Confederation will promote respect for and full application of the provisions of this Declaration on the local, national , and international levels.

This Declaration was adopted by the leadership collective representing their constituencies who by consensus have agreed in council to respect and uphold this Declaration to be subject to the provisions of its articles, proceed with the understanding that violation of the Declaration is an act against the natural laws of peace among the unified Taino people who constitute the United Confederation of Taino People.


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