That Baby girl Tang

More Pictures of ME!

ok, if you haven't already gotten enough, heres more pictures of me. Theres probably going to be like picture page 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and ... well you get the picture... or ateast I hope ya do...

This was taken a long time ago. This is me getting into a friends car at an 11th grade dance (hence a LONG time ago, I've been out of school for almost 3 years now)

This is my telletubbie, Dipsy the KoRn Freak, and I putting the candy canes on the tree for christmas.

Here I am putting the decorations on my tree for christmas.. I had a fake tree, we can't have real ones in my apartment complex.

Luna and I looking sexy for the camera.. we were going to go out to a club or 2 that night, but I just couldn't find anything to wear, so I threw one of my famous "I don't have anything to wear I'm not going" fits....

so we went to greek town, ate caviar, and got hit on by some ugly ass waiter who served Luna alcohol... lovely evening.