Who is this girl "Tang" anyways? On
this page, you'll find more about me than you'd ever wanted to
know *and then some* So, take
a look and enjoy what you see.... Leave your mark in the
Guestbook or jot me down an email (I love to responde to emails,
as long as they are nice). I even have an online journal that I
write in once in a while. Most of all, this is just my little
piece of the web that I can express my feelings, thoughts, words
of witt, and just plain have fun.

Click for a pic of me, taken around halloween 2000... I look like a goon in it
Hopefully I will have new pictures up soon.. there will be an update on this within a few weeks.. most likely a new layout... most likely also a new web page completely... though that one will be the business site ONLY. I would like to use a black background, but it hurts my eyes to stare at...
So go ahead, don't be shy, take a peek at a
link (located to your left).

Body Art & Modifications
This Body Art Webring
site is owned by Linsey L..
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