Sounds from Avatar/Shinobi/New Rockers

Shinobi's Theme Music

Vince:The new comination,Avatar and Aldo Montoya

Vince:You have to be impressed with Avatar and Aldo Montoya!Mr.Perfect:not quite McManohn..Vince:Hang in there you will be

Vince:Nice take down by Avatar

Vince:This new team of double A are really showing us something this week

Vince:Oh my goodness,Avatar now with a over,1,2,almost a three

Vince:Aldo and Avatar must stay away from this monster Sid

Mr.Prefect:Turning your back on Shinobi is not a good thing

Vince:Shinobi from behind now...

Vince:Shinobi sets up Shawn...

Vince:What a match Shawn and Shinobi are having

Vince:Shawn against Shinobi and owen and Jim on the outside....

Vince:Shinobi can't belive what he's done

Jerry the King:Marty's new partner,they are going to call themselfs the new Rockers,right?

Leif makes the save