What I did a couple of days ago

I buy the Ny Daily News and the NY Post everyday. One day I circled every reporters email at the end of his article.

I then went to the computer and made a free hotmail email. I then typed in the body of the letter this webpage https://members.tripod.com/~tariffs/index.html and I put some statement above it. I forget what. "Save our jobs" or something.

Then I put the paper next to me and proceeded to type in the email addresses of all the circled email adresses in both papers. Then I sent them off to the reporters/columnists.

The next day I did it again as usually they rotate the reporters and columnists. So I got this sent to DOZENS of them. Sure save a lot of stamps.

Do it with your own local papers and magazines.

Buy ANY different magazine each week. Put this web address in your anonymous free email. Sent it to every email address shown in the magazine. Get this out everywhere. Others will pass it on.