I liked Nixon

I was born in 1949. I reached college in Oct 1967. The anti-war people were always spoiled brats and never working-class like me. They were against LBJ and then against Nixon. Unlike LBJ, Nixon reduced the number of draftees constantly. But there was more bile aimed at him than at LBJ. The WORKING CLASS Democrats liked Nixon, the spoiled brat children of the MIDDLE CLASS hated him ( and America and Christianity and anything decent). They started attacking him from the very beginning. But the main haters were technically a little older than the BABY BOOMERS. When I got to college in 1967 I was 17 and the guys running the anti-war movement seemed OLD to me. They were mostly GRAD STUDENTS and YOUNG PROFESSORS who were born about 1940. Baby Boomers were then called POST WAR BABIES and we were born 1945 to 1950 (WWII to KOREA). The anti-Nixon people were born about 1935-1945. So in 1967 those guys were 22 to 32. They would talk about things we BabY boomers knew little or nothing about such as Nixons election in 1946? against some Commie woman (Gallerger Douglas or something) and The McCarthy Era (We were toddlers). They were out to get Nixon WAY BEFORE he became president. He had no chance with them. We Baby Boomers did not hate Nixon. Our earliest memory of Nixon was the time he was in South America and Communists tried to overturn the car he and his wife were in. So the constant statement that it was the BABY BOOMERS who hated Nixon in the 1960s was not true. It was the PRE-Baby Boomer generation that was. When the NIXON STAMPS came out I bought a bunch of them and used them constantly. I put one on a letter to the new head of my new college alumni society in Baltimore asking how to join and he wrote back condemning Nixon. So I never joined. Of course, he then diverted a percentage of the dues to what was then the new liberal cause, breast cancer, and he is, of course, from the 1935-45 anti-Nixon people I just mentioned. He was quite obvious about his beliefs and the new alumni group died quickly as he split the group by not keeping his politics to himself.