I dont get to see most of your posts as my life revolves around my wheelchaired father BUT I do see many complaints about what the Liberal press is doing to Pat Buchanan.

BUT YOU ALL KNEW THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! That has been going on for decades!!!

That is NOT going to change. But so many times I see that the problem is NOT what the other side does but what MY side does NOT do.

I always EXPECT the other side to work against my side. But what I dont expect is my side simply complaining and demanding the other side stop doing it. Its a waste of time. Its not going to change. And it is the LAZY way out to just complain and then say, "I tried".

It is up to US to give out our side of the argument, not expect them to change or give our side for us.

Is every single one of you NOW pushing Pat's beliefs every single day in your own areas? If not, who do you expect to do it for you? Or do you expect to just wait until October when some Big Brother will take you by the hand and tell you what to do?

Be a chief, not an Indian. Make up your own flyers and posters and distribute them NOW. You're all adults. You can do these things on your own! You should be too mature to expect someone else someday to do it instead of you or expect him to show you what to do.

HAVE SOME GUMPTION! Figure out your own ways to promote your candidate and do it. You dont have to be an artist. Just do what you can and do it. Worry about your own area. DO IT NOW! Not at the last minute in October!

Make your own posters/flyers and distribute them yourself. Write letters to the editor. Forward Pat stuff to the newspaper email sites. Send flyers to letter/editor writers, media people, Union Halls, clubs and organizations (Yellow Pages), churches, any addresses you see in the Yellow Pages, working class hangouts, religious groups, anyone or anything you can think of. Put For President in red ink on dollar bills. Get on radio talk shows. Mail to barber shops. Flyers under wipers. Put new ideas on the message board here.


The colleges open in less than one month. Are you ready to hit their boards and periodical tables with stuff???

Have any STATE FAIRS coming up? Good places to set up a booth and drop flyers everywhere.

Ads in Penny Savers and college newspapers are really cheap.

I found that if you take the Buchanan vs Bush/Gore flyer and set the Xerox on 50% you get FOUR on each page plus enough room to tear easily and piles of them fit nicely into ones pocket. (Always put "Xerox and distribute more" on anything you distribute.)

One can make a poster for all the Engineers, Scientists, and Tech workers downsized over the last 27 years from the pages of This is perfect to mail to science departments and put on bulletin boards in sci/eng/tech campus buildings. The teacher with the blackboard cartoon is especially eye-catching.

You would be surprised how few people know what Pat really stands for. Because YOU never told them! (Who else? Jimmy Stewart's invisible rabbit? YOU have to do it.)

I started Sherlock Holmes Fan Clubs in two states in the 70s and I recall a line which was about the importance of noticing what does NOT appear in a statement. In the Holmes story it was about it NOT being mentioned that a dog did NOT bark. And in Astrophysics we were constantly reminded of the LIE OF OMISSION and its importance and how its why nothing can be proved by argument but only Mathematically or Experimentally. And I write all this as I have been reading many of these reflector letters and I never see anyone actually write: "I did THIS to promote Pat in my town last night" or "I did THAT to promote Pat via the web this morning". I never see statements of actual work-for-Pat each day. All I see are armchair philosophers arguing while even their next door neighbors remain oblivious to what Pat REALLY stands for, much less their own areas. Talk is cheap. Work counts.

My Snazzy List of Links

GO TO THE BUCHANAN vs BUSH/GORE flyer/poster: Look for the little wizard. On the original, along its sides, put both: "Copy and distribute" & "Write For President" on dollar bills!
MAKE YOUR OWN FLYER/POSTER BY COPYING THIS: (This is also good for ALL workers) Then use scissors as I did to make your own for sci/eng/tech people
There are now OTHER issues here to make your own posters/flyers for: