Besides scanning an aura, or verifying the state of a chakra by dowsing, you can also practice to actually see an aura. Follow these exercises to practice just this :

1. Stand the subject eighteen inches to two feet in front of a bare white wall Avoid walls with Colors or patterns.

2. Use indirect lighting- natural ambient daylight,   if possible. Avoid fluorescent light or direct Sunlight.

3. View the subject from at least ten feet away.

4. Ask the subject to relax, breathe deeply, and rock gently from side to side with hands unclasped at his/her sides.

5.Look past the Subject's head and shoulders and focus on the wall behind him or her.

6. Avoid looking at the Subject, concentrating instead on the texture of the paint or whatever surface is behind.

7. As you look past the outline of the body, where the   air starts and the body stops, you will see a band of   fuzzy light around the subject, about one quarter   inch to one-half inch in depth. This is the etheric aura.

  8. Continue to look past the outline of the body and you should see the subject as if he or she is illuminated   from behind, sometimes with a bright yellow or silver   color. One side might glow more brightly or slowly pulsate. Auras rarely are uniform. Each person is different. Some subjects will have   less-visible auras than others, and every viewer will not always at first see colors. The fuzzy envelope or halo around the body will be discernible within a very short time—usually one minute or less.

10. Try using different subjects and experiment with   lighting and background. Soon you will see a second,   larger band of light three inches to two feet around the body. This is the astral aura. It is usually darker and more diffuse.

To See Your Own Aura

1. Stand in front of a mirror at least eighteen inches away, farther if possible.

2. Place yourself with a white or neutral color surface visible in the mirror behind you.

3.Relax. breathe deeply, and sway gently from side to side.

4. Focus on the texture of the surface of the wall behind you.

5. As you stare past the outline of your head and shoulders, you will see the envelope of light around your body move with you as you rock gently.

6. Remember to breathe as you do this, since you are now both viewer and subject.

7. Lighting should be subdued, neither too bright nor too dark. Experiment. Auras cannot be seen in total darkness, and bright light will wash out all but the most vibrant of auras.

8. Color of clothing is unimportant. You might find that your auric color, when you become accustomed to seeing it, will clash,with certain items in your wardrobe, but you will see your true colors regardless of what you wear.

9. Experiment with projecting a color. Think of a color and try to visualize it. you can change your base line color temporarily through this kind of exercise, and the change can be seen.

10. As you exhale, the aura should get larger. Reciting the numbers one through thirty in a normal speaking voice will help liberate your energy. Take a breath after every two numbers. Speed up the count from the number twenty on without taking a breath and watch your aura change in size and vibrancy. As you resume normal quiet breathing, the aura will return to its former size but might appear a little brighter.

Color Meanings and Locations Colors have certain emotional characteristics that have been recognized in most of the world's cultures for centuries. This guide may be used as a basis for analyzing this relationship and the general areas of the body affected by these colors.

Color Chart purple - Spiritual attainment, divine connection, mystical understanding, cosmic consciousness. "Purple raiment." Located in the pituitary gland. indigo - Inspired thought or deep wisdom. Can show spirituality and devotional nature. Artistic and harmonious with nature. Self-mastery. Located in the pineal gland.

blue - Strong mental powers, intelligence, logical thinking.

Clear blue shows intuitive capabilities; "out of the blue."

Dark shades show overanalytic, suspicious nature or visionary mentality. Centered in the brain.

green - Balance, harmony, healing, the calming force.

Clear green shows adaptability, versatility.

Dark shades are deceitful, jealous; "green with envy."

Located in the thyroid and neck area. yellow -

Love and kindness, compassion, optimism; "Breath of life." Dark, lifeless yellow shows suspicion, covetousness. Centered in the solar plexus and heart region.

orange - Energy and health, physical vitality, dynamic force.

Pride can result from an excess of orange in the aura.

Dark or cloudy orange shows low intellect. Centered in the stomach and spleen area. red - Physical life, vitality, ambition, sexual power.

Dark or cloudy red shows violent or passionate tendencies; "red with rage." Centered on the genital area. Other Colors

scarlet - Lust, lower passions, materialism. rose pink - Selfless love, gentleness, modesty. brown - Avarice, selfishness.

gold - Higher self, good qualities, harmony.

silver - Versatility, high energy, constant change.

gray - Depression, low energy, fear.

black - Sinister, malice, evil intent.

Everyone can see the first etheric auric layer, which is closest to the body, and is usually the brightest. The second astral auric layer is farther away from the skin, and more diffuse. Be aware that the colors will change and blend together in these two fields, seldom having a distinct line of separation between them. No two auras are alike, and even the same person's auric presentation frequently changes. The tremendous variety of auric fields you will see as you practice viewing them is limited only by the number of subjects viewed.

I must stress that seeing the aura or scanning are really acquired skills. Practice them well and do not be strictly guided by above interpretations of colors. Arrive at your own readings and knowledge of the persons you scan. Your understanding and your own experiences are the best teacher for you.