The Studio Shrink

Dr. Scratch'nSniff had it all as a studio
shrink.  Who would've guessed the Warner
Brothers and their sister would pop out
of the tower that fateful day?  When he 
was told by the CEO to evaluate and try
and deal with them, that's when the fine
doctor started losing his hair (or pulling
it out, rather).  Hey, you've got to 
give the doctor credit!  He survived 
being trapped in an elevator with Wakko,
had to drive the Warners in a car,
and kept his sanity, despite all the
crazy things that happen when he's with 
the Warners.  And who can resist that
crazy accent?  Alltogether, this 
particular shrink is one cool cat!

Dr Scratch'nSniff

Where can Dr Scratch'nSniff drive you to now?

Back to the files of the Warner lot....:
Back to the Water Tower!:
Back to Tato's Universe....: