well hello and welcome to the pointless forest, where everything has a point = )
feel free to browse around and just take anything you like, i'm not stingy. personal art portfolio...

Page one
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four from one of my all-time favorite movies...

The Last Unicorn Pix The Last Unicorn Pix 2
The Last Unicorn Pix 3 The Last Unicorn Pix 4

...lyrics to the songs from the movie The Last Unicorn,
and some awesome poetry from the book...

The Last Unicorn Song Lyrics The Last Unicorn Poetry

...more cool poetry in another book by Peter S. Beagle,
the author of The Last Unicorn,called Giant Bones...

 Giant Bones Poetry

...some cartoon-ish pix, ranging anywhere from
Alice in Wonderland to The Fantastic Adventures of Unico...

Power Puff Girls Power Puff Girls 2
Hey Arnold Hey Arnold 2
Unico Unico Animated GIFs
Alice in Wonderland Calvin and Hobbes Animated GIFs

...faerie pix and other kinda-faerielike pix...

Faerie Pix Faerie Pix 2  Faerie Pix 3
Not - So - Faerie Pix  Not - So - Faerie Pix 2

...pix i found online from one of the coolest movies, Labyrinth...

Labyrinth Pix Labyrinth Pix 2

this is the link to ALL of my anime archives... i just made this link
so it would un-clutter the main page a bit... so don't miss it!

 Anime Archives band linx page...


...some of the lyrics to a few of my favorite songs by the cure...

The Cure Song Lyrics

...linx my friend's pages...

Magic Bubble Girl's World
Sean's Webpage
My Sister's Webpage



* And don't forget -- The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese *

"I was reflecting on the immortal words of Socrates when he said, 'I drank what?'"    -- Real Genius