I am a hoosier through & through, so it will come as no surprise that I root for my home team the Indianapolis Colts!! I have been watching them for many years now, and I have to say that I'm really disappointed to see Jim Harbaugh leave. I'm sure Payton Manning will be an asset to the team, but I really liked Jim. I thought he was a really good quarterback.....we just needed to do more with the offensive line!! Jim....I hope that someday you might see this, and know that you are sadly missed!! This one's for you!!

Well, we didn't do so well this season, but we'll be back out there bustin' them up again next season!!


1 1 Payton Manning QB Tennessee
2 2 Jerome Pathon WR Washington
3 10 E.G. Green WR Florida St.
4 1 Steve McKinney OL Texas A&M
5 12 Antony Jordan LB Vanderbilt
7 1 Aaron Taylor OL Nebraska

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