TESTIMONY Band is a unique blend of
artistry and ministry sharing beautifully
soothing, heart-touching ballads of God's Amazing
Love, to powerful, stirring anthems that speak to
His Church. With messages like "Turn Back the
Tide", and "River of Love ", this group will take
you on a musical journey to the Father's Heart.
TESTIMONY's members grew up in the Church, with
different backgrounds, but all with a gifting for
music. Joining together in 1994, TESTIMONY Band
communicates God's love in rythm and rhyme, and
the good news of New Life through a relationship
with Christ Jesus.
Even though they were raised in the Church,
each one of the group had to come to the point of
accepting Christ as Saviour and Lord, and
receiving salvation from Him for themselves.
During their growing up years, the Chaisson
brothers found out firsthand that the world's
system offers a very cloudy picture, and what
seemed like pleasure for a season really only
offered emptiness and pain. They learned that no
matter what they went through, the Lord they had
believed in since childhood was with them, and
calling them out of darkness, into His Light.
Having experienced first hand God's mercy and
grace, they now share the Good News of what Christ
has done for them ~ turning their lives around,
and giving them hope, purpose and meaning in life
through Christ Jesus. With special songs like
"Amazing" and "Don't Wait", these brothers have a
heart for seeing souls saved, and other
"prodigals" come back to the Father.
Singer - songwriter Lawri Chaisson
was adopted as a baby, and in 1994 set out on a
special journey of faith to find her birth
family. "I learned that God has a special plan
for each life, and the scripture verse Jeremiah
29:11 became a banner for me. I found peace in
really getting to know God as my " Aba-Father ",
and in seeing His Hand and loving work in my
life. He began to give me songs to share both as
a singer and writer, that others could find
their hope, purpose, and destiny in Him as
well." |
Interwoven in the lyrics of each tapestry of
song are truths from God's Word, bringing comfort,
hope and healing. Lawri shares that every song is
a special gift from the Lord, "purposed to touch
people where we live, and bring the Light into our
lives. Many times in prayer, I have cried out, or
whispered to the Lord in my heart, and His answer
was the gift of a song."
TESTIMONY brings a message that God really
cares and can turn heartaches, trials and
tragedies into Triumph and testimonies, bringing
peace, healing, purpose and redeeming love. Take a
refreshing ride in the " Testimony Bandwagon " and
enjoy the journey , as you travel to the "
Promised Land "! |