Births of Burr Oak and surrounding areas in St Joseph County, Michigan
Contributed to the Michigan USGenWeb Project
Transcribed and proof-read by Josephine Reed Garzelloni
1 Nov 1997

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs William West, November 5, 1911, a son.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs Agnes Hastings Tennant of Pittsburg, California,
late of Portland, Oregon, and formerly of Burr Oak, favors us with a stork
post card announcing the arrival at their home, December 22, 1911, of a
little daughter. A boy and a girl now.

Burr Oak Acorn
Dorris Marie is the name of the little daughter that came to
the home of Mr and Mrs Raymond Wright, Thursday, October 12, 1911.

Burr Oak Acorn
There is general rejoicing in the home of Mr and Mrs John
Russell. It's a daughter, arriving last Sabbath. The little one is
the only girl and naturally her parents and four bright little brothers
are unmistakably pleased. Our congratulations.
dated 19 November 1911 in ink.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Walter F Legg, of Battle Creek, a
six ~ pound daughter ~ Dorothy Frances ~ at the Woman's Hospital, on April
24th, 1911. Mother and babe doing well.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs John Ultz are the proud parents of an 8 3/4
pound boy, July 2 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Carl Haggerty, a ten pound boy,
November 27, 1911.

Burr Oak Acorn
A little son was born to Mr and Mrs Fred Armstrong,
October 17, 1911.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Glen Straehly are rejoicing over the arrival
of an 8 ~ pound son at their home, born Monday, November 13, 1911. Mother
and child doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
Dorothy Earlene is the name of the daughter born to Mr
and Mrs David Whitehead, on the morning of June 20th, 1911.

Burr Oak Acorn
A little son was added to the family of Telegraph Operator Will Nash
and wife December 25, 1911 ~ a real Merry Christmas. All doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
A 10 1/2 pound daughter (Jennie June) was born to Mr and
Mrs Charles Niendorf early Tuesday afternoon, July 2, 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs Luther Russell, a baby girl on
December 1, 1911

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs George Swihart, December
15, 1911, a daughter.

Burr Oak Acorn
A stork card to the Acorn from Salem, Oregon, announces
the birth, at the Willamitte Sanitorium, of a son, Frederic Engle, to Mr
and Mrs S.E. Wolfe. The mother, formerly (Miss Engle) was
a former resident here.
dated in ink, December 1912, no date for the day

Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs John Ultz are the proud parents
of an 8 3/4 pound boy, Charles Joseph.
Note: this announcement is not dated but is in the book after a birth
dated 2 July 1912 and the birth after this one is also dated in 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Notice the smile Peter Modert is wearing.
He is great-grandfather to a baby lately born to Johnnie Ultz and
wife of Matteson..
Dated 14 March 1912 in ink.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Myron Sager are caring for a youngster
which arrived at their place a short time ago.
Note: dated 11 March in ink.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Carmine Sharp (Hazel Thurston),
a daughter, Shirley Thurston Sharp, 9 March 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Dr Kelley reports the arrival of a little daughter
~ Noriene Wanda Weaver ~ at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Weaver,
in Noble, 25 November 1912. All doing nicely. Should you notice Lou Modert
and Good Roads Weaver wearing broad smiles and plug hats, you'll
know there's a reason ~ they are grandpa by the happy event.

Burr Oak Acorn
Glen Dale Robinson is a little one which has arrived
to bless the home of Rev and Mrs W. D Robinson of our village. All
are doing nicely, and our hearty congratulations are theirs.
dated in pen 20 April 1912

Burr Oak Acorn
Dorothy Pauline is the name of the 10 1/2 pound daughter
who came to the home of Charles Wilder and wife, 21 October 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Alpheus Miller and wife (Gela Bordner) of
the Honey Lake store are the recipients of a baby girl. Arrived Monday.
dated in ink 30 September 1912
and another announcement the following week on the same birth which
O mercy, that sweet little baby Girl at the home of Alpheus
Miller at the Honey Lake store. Baby, mama, papa and the whole
neighborhood rejoice over the event. All doing fine.

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Carl A Schuler and wife (Maggie
Goff.) It's an eight pound daughter, born Saturday, 3 February

Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs Noe Johnston returned home Wednesday after
spending three weeks in Sturgis caring for her daughter, Mrs Littlefield,
and also a little granddaughter.
dated in pen 4 April 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs John Taggart Jr., 20 February
1912, a son.

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Howard Ellis and wife (Maud
Werking.) It's a girl, born last Sunday, 2 June 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
A 7 pound daughter came Monday to make its home with
Mr and Mrs John Hagelgans.
dated in ink 9 September 1912

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Will Cooper and wife, 20 February 1912,
a baby girl. Dr Crofford reports all doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
Floyd Charles is the name of the 7 1/2 pound son
born to Mr and Mrs George Loomis, Thursday, 9 May 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs Maud Miller Hendricks of Sturgis presented her
husband with a baby boy, 26 August 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Guy E McIntyre, of Saginaw, on Tuesday, April
16th, 1912, twins ~ John Charles and Harriet Sarah. Grandpa C.H. Carl
went up there, Monday, to join his wife and take a peep at them..

Burr Oak Acorn
From his Shoals, Indiana, home, under date of 26
April 1912, former townsman Nelson Start sends us the following
happy announcement: "A 12-pound boy came to our house this morning. Mother
and baby doing fine." The congratulations of Burr Oak friends are theirs,

Burr Oak Acorn
Dr Rollmann, Jr. reports the arrival of a little
daughter at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter J Hoshal, on Friday morning,
12 January 1912. Mother and child doing nicely, we are pleased to learn.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs LeRoy Porter, Sunday, 22
September 1912, a daughter weighing seven pounds, who will be known as
Miss Virginia Porter.

Burr Oak Acorn
An 8 1/2 pound daughter (Ethel Ellen) was born to
Mr and Mrs Arthur Crooks, of Battle Creek, 7th October 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Out congratulations to Carl Coleman and wife
(Florence Hackman) of our village, to whom a fine baby girl was
born at an early hour yesterday morning ~ Wednesday, 2 October 1912. All
doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
"Lewis Park Watson, September 6, 1912; six
and one~fourth pounds," reads a card announcing
the arrival of a son at the home of Mr and Mrs L.F. Watson last

Burr Oak Acorn
A daughter (Wilda May) was born to Mr and Mrs J Elliott
Mosher last Saturday morning, May 11th, 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Willard Sager, March 17,
1912, an eight pound son. All doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
Hearty congratulations to Sam Weiss and wife.
It's a find baby girl, arriving Saturday,
10 August 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Glen Milliman, July 21,
1912, a 6 1/2 pound girl.
And to Mr and Mrs Guy Bowman, 22 July 1912, a son.
All are doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
We are pleased to learn of the arrival of a little son
to Mr and Mrs Fred L Frohriep, southwest of town, 2 January 1912.
All doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
Last week a baby came to bless the home of Mr and
Mrs Ray Immel of Ann Arbor, 24 July 1912.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs William Fry left Coldwater Friday for a visit with her daughter
Mrs Gurnie Finn at Lima, Ohio, and son Frank at Galeton, Pennsylvania.
At the later home she will make the acquaintance of her recently arrived

Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs John R Wirts has for some days been at Three
Rivers, giving her best attention to a new granddaughter, born 11 August
1912 to Will W Wirts and wife (Millie Needham). Friends in
Burr Oak, the former home of the parents, are pleased to learn that mother
and child are doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
The stork left a 7~pound son at the home of Mr and Mrs
W.G. Fogel, early last Saturday morning. All this accounts for the
very broad smile now worn by The Acorn foreman, who is "feeling mighty
big about it," and then some. Dr Crofford reports all doing nicely.
dated in pen 2 March 1912

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs C.E. Lucy.
It's a daughter, born to them last Sunday, 20 October 1912, and all are
doing nicely. And their little son, too, is greatly pleased at the arrival
of a baby sister.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Charles Swihart of Three Rivers,
22 December 1912, a son.

Burr Oak Acorn
Over at Charlotte, Walter Holden and wife (Maggie
Maloney) are the happy parents of a baby boy, born 3 January 1913.
Our congratulations.

Burr Oak Acorn
Is a Sure Foxy Grandpa
Hesperia, Michigan, 29 November 1912.
Editor Acorn~
My daughter, Mrs L. Estelle Mahan, a former Burr
Oak girl, gave birth to twins, 26 November ~ boy and a girl ~ weighing
11 1/2 pounds. Mothers and babies doing fine. We all rejoice at the advent
of the girl, especially, as the tally to date stands five boys and one
I am faily well; I have a home adjoining Estella's and I live
alone because the widows have not takens advantage of Leap Year.
Best wishes to all old friends.
William R Matthews.

Burr Oak Acorn
A card from Portland, Oregon, tells of the arrival of a
son and heir at the home of Mr and Mrs J.E. Sinclair, 12 December
1912. The name of the new comer is J. Eldridge. His mother is Dell Davidson
Williams Sinclair, nee Plant, at one time a Burr Oak girl.

Burr Oak Acorn
Tuesday morning, 15 April 1913, an 8 lb son was born to
Carl Haggerty and wife (Zoe Milliman) at the home of her
parents on the Brooklyn side. All doing nicely, Dr Crofford reports.
Mr H. came down from Detroit Tuesday evening and remained until yesterday

Burr Oak Acorn
Last Friday a sprightly little baby boy was born to Horace
Coler and wife (Ruby Fair) at their home on the Allen farm.
Mother and child doing nicely and Horace is wearing the smile of real satisfaction..
ink dated 18 July 1913

Burr Oak Acorn
The stork visited the home of Mr and Mrs Cassius Powers,
north of town, a week ago today, 24 April 1913, and left them a baby boy
~ Max Lounsbury. All doing nicely. Congratulations!

Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations to William Boocher and wife (Anna
Gerry). It's a daughter, born Sunday night, 27 April 1913, at Ann
Arbor. The father went there Monday morning and returned Tuesday night.

Burr Oak Acorn
A little daughter came to gladden the home of Mr and Mrs Mat Modert
last Tuesday 6 March 1913, but stayed only a short time. They surely have
the sympathy of their many friends.

Burr Oak Acorn
At their home in Detroit, last Sunday, the stork left a baby boy
with Mr and Mrs Charlie Kinney. Out people will remember the mother
as Goldie Harding. All doing well.
The year is written 1913 and the day and month may be 5 October. Difficult
to read

Burr Oak Acorn
The stork made an early Saturday morning call at the home of Rev and
Mrs Waechter, and left them an eight pound son ~ the first
boy. Great joy, and we, too, are all pleased. The new arrival is getting
a warm reception from his little sisters, Ruth, Lois and Murial.
Ink dated 17 May 1913

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Wallace Fry of East Leroy, last Saturday
morning, a baby girl. All doing nicely. Our congratulations.
ink dated 8 February 1913

Burr Oak Acorn
Yesterday a little daughter came to gladden the home of Mr and Mrs Howard
Sherman. Congratulations!
ink dated 8 July 1913

Burr Oak Acorn
About the happiest man on earth today is Roy Himebaugh,
his wife having presented him a fine baby boy at an early hour this morning.
All doing nicely. Congratulations.
Dated in pen appears to be 24 April 1913.....only the month is in question.

Burr Oak Acorn
A 7 1/2 pound son was born to Mr and Mrs Roy Walters,
Wednesday, at Constantine, where she has been with her parents for the
last few weeks.
dated in ink looks like 2 April 1913.....only the day is in question.

Burr Oak Acorn
Roy Himebaugh and wife (Addie Pease) are the happy recipients
of a baby girl, which arrived Tuesday. And the little one's sister
Ruth and brother Coin are showing unmistakable pleasure, too. All doing
well ~ and we all congratulate.
dated in ink 21 April 1915

Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations to Bert Hagrdorn (Hagadorn) and
wife (Ella Schnatz) of Sturgis. It's a son,
born 1 March 1913.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs Clara Cummins Barker of St. Johns, Oregon, reports
the arrival of a daughter at their western home ~ Mary Jane Barker,
by name. The mother, who always lived in this vicinity previous to going
west, and was a graduate of the Burr Oak High School, is well known to
us all. Our congratulations to the happy parents.
Ink dated 10 April 1913

Burr Oak Acorn
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs David Whitehead, Monday
forenoon, December 8th, 1913.

Burr Oak Acorn
On Monday of this week, 15 September 1913, the stork left a baby
girl at the home of Mr and Mrs Will G Nash. Mother and child doing
well, and the new arrival's two brothers and two sisters are, with the
happy parents, expressing their great joy. Our congratulations.

Burr Oak Acorn
Charles Smith, our city drayman, is grandpa, and
is feeling mighty good about it. His son Roy D Smith and wife of
Clayville, Virginia, are the happy parents, the little one, a son, arriving
4 October 1913. Our best to all concerned!

Burr Oak Acorn
This morning, September 18th, 1913, a baby girl was born to Ed
Bunnell and wife, (Elsie Clay) and all are doing nicely.
Note Ed's broad smile of real satisfaction. Congratulations.

Burr Oak Acorn
It will be a pleasing bit of news to the many friends here to
learn that a little son was recently born to Mr and Mrs Charles R Bucknell
of Ontario, California. Report says all are doing nicely, and we are glad
it is so.
ink dated August 1913, no day date given.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs Curtis Zarr of Laporte, Indiana, 2
September 1913, a 5 pound son, Valois Albert. The mother will be remembered
as Miss Alice Plant, daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert E Plant.
Hearty congratulations.

Burr Oak Acorn
Lawson Lancaster, wife (Nellie Passahl) and son
are truly pleased, a baby girl having added to the household early Tuesday
morning. Dr Kelley reports mother and child doing nicely.
Ink dated 19 August 1913

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs F.K. Dean of Jackson, Thursday, September
25, 1913, a son, Ralph Edward, weighing 7 1/2 pounds. The mother will be
remembered as Adelaid Wait, formerly of this place. Congratulations.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Albert Kaas, Tuesday, 5 August 1913,
an eight pound son. All, including grandpa Hagelgans, are getting
along as well as could be expected.

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lew Modert, east
of town. It's a boy, born 3 October 1913.
All doing well.

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs John H Start.
A baby girl was born to them 20 December 1913, and all are doing well.

Burr Oak Acorn
The happiest man in town, we dare say, is Clifford L Fair,
the groceryman. "There's a reason" ~ an eight pound daughter was born to
himself and wife (Clara Miller) yesterday afternoon, 24 September
1913. All doing nicely, and the congratulations of us all are extended
the greatly pleased parents and grandparents.
We imagine that Grandpa and Grandma Fair are stepping
mighty high now days since the arrival of little Maxine Lois. We knew Peter
and Kate in by~gone days.

Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Albert C Burns. It's a girl
baby. Sounds odd, but it's so. Mrs Burns went to Detroit Saturday
morning and returned home on the evening train with the little prize, about
four weeks old, which it is the intention of "pa and ma" to adopt ~ the
fulfullment is a long cherished desire.
dated 18 October 1913 in ink.

Burr Oak Acorn
Rev and Mrs Robinson were made glad Saturday morning by
the arrival of a little son at their home ~ the second child, both boys.
Mother and baby are now getting along quite well. Congratulations!
ink dated 4 October 1913

Burr Oak Acorn
Emery Bietz and wife (Laura Schnatz) have been
the happy possessors of a bouncing baby boy since 20 November 1913. Surely
we are pleases to note their good fortune.

Burr Oak Acorn
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Thomas Kane. A 10 pound
son, Friday, Dr Rollman,. Jr., reports all doing nicely.
date looks like March or May 21, 1913 but not sure.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born to Mr and Mrs Carl Hagelgan, 12 July
1914, a boy ~ Carl Wayne.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born ~ To Mr and Mrs Coye L Himebaugh, Wednesday, 21 January
1914, a seven pound daughter. all doing nicely. Congratulations.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Don Stowell, Sunday morning, a son,
Donald Blossom, 14 June 1913.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Zina Danburry, a daughter, Jaunita Maxine,
Monday morning 29 April 1913.

Burr Oak Acorn
Burr Oak friends congratulate. It's a daughter, born 16th July,
1914, to Carl Coleman and wife (Florence Hackman) at their
home in Elkhart.

Burr Oak Acorn
A 5-pounds baby was born to Ezra Cross and wife,
21 March 1914.

Burr Oak Acorn
A baby boy born yesterday 26 March 1914 to Everton Bauder
and wife, of the Jupp building, died a few hours later.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Charles Holdworth, Jr., on 24
June 1914, a 7 1/2 pound son. Mother and child doing nicely and we all
join in extending hearty congratulations.

Burr Oak Acorn
Melvin G Tennent, Jr., is a new 8 pound arrival at the
home of Mr and Mrs M.T. Tennent of Sedro Woolly, Washington. We
all remember the mother as Alice Hastings, and we all congratulate.
dated 26 March 1914

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to the Sites family who have lately moved from Van Wert,
Ohio, to the Wilson (Moulton) farm, on Thursday night, a pair of boy babies,
Dr Kelley attending. All doing well. No race suicide in Freedom.
How is it in Noble?
dated 12 March 1914 in ink

Burr Oak Acorn
Our neighbors Mr and Mrs William Al Mosser, had a visit
from the stork, Tuesday afternoon. A daughter. All doing well, Dr Rollman,
Jr. reports. Congratulate.
dated 21 July 1914

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to John Russell and wife, Monday, a baby girl, June
1 1914.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs Harry Swihart, at Niles, Michigan,
14 May 1914, a daughter. Congratulations of Burr Oak friends.

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs E.B. Straehly to whom
a find baby girl weighing 9 1/2 pounds was born yesterday, 16 September
1914. Surely great joy in that home. All doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
Last Sunday at Tustin a baby girl was born to C.E. Perry
and wife (May Pooler.)
And on same date, at Howe, Indiana, a baby boy was born to Walter Amos
and wife (Marjory Ruhl).
newspaper dated 4 February 1915

Burr Oak Acorn
Probably the "best feeling" man on earth is Marshall Marvin.
And there's a reason. Official notification came to "Marsh," Saturday,
that he was grandpa to a dandy Hoosier baby boy weighing 7 3/4 pounds,
born 4 May 1914, to his son Will and wife at their Mishawaks home. Surely
Burr Oak friends are very pleased too.
and then in the next weeks' paper.....
Sunday forenoon M Marvin, wife and her sister went to
Mishawaka for a few hours visit with the Will Marvin family ~ the
first meeting of Baby Marvin and his grandparents. Be the way the little
man was born May 9th, not the 4th as the Acorn stated.

Burr Oak Acorn
Late Stork Visits
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Herbert F Arnold of
Chicago, to whom a 7 3/4 pound boy was born Monday morning, 5 October 1914.
All doing nicely ~ all supremely happy.
Saturday night, 3 October 1914, a little daughter was born to
Leo Milliman and wife (Helen Globensky.) All doing well.

Burr Oak Acorn
Born, to Mr and Mrs C.H. Smith of East Burr Oak,
9 April 1914, a son. Mother and child doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulationns to Mr and Mrs Floyd Clay. It's
a boy, born on July 4th 1914.

Burr Oak Acorn
Otis Decker and wife were made glad by the arrival of
a daughter at their place last week.
dated in ink 19 September 1914

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Walter Bonner.
A baby boy was born to them May 13, 1914. All doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs Ida Hazzard is wearing "the smile that won't come
off." There's a reason ~ she's grandma. Way down at Big Point, Mississippi,
15 May 1914, a ten pound baby boy was born to her son Charles and wife.
The mother and little one, Ferris Neil, are doing well. Congratulations!

Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Charles Broker are surely proud parents.
It's a nine pound daughter, born to them Tuesday, 5 August 1914.

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Charles Danberry and wife (Fannie
Baldwin) with whom the stork yesterday left a baby boy of 8 1/2
pounds weight. All doing well.
dated in pen 28 April 1914

Burr Oak Acorn
At Bronson a week ago today a daughter, Wilma Irene, was
born to Mr and Mrs Lawrence Werner of Lansing. The mother will be
remembered as Cecil Bennett, eldest daughter of Ray and Lula Hogmire
Dated in pen 25 July 1914

Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs T.J. Reed and five sons are greatly elated,
the stork having on Tuesday morning added to the household a baby girl.
dated in pen 21 July 1914
Note: this entry is clearly dated as above but this was the birth of
my mothers older sister, Miriam Ellen and her recorded proved birth date
is 28 July 1914. jrg

Burr Oak Acorn
At Sturgis, a few days ago, a daughter was born to "Billie" Snook
and wife. Congratulate!
dated in ink July 1914, no day is given

Burr Oak Acorn
A son was born to Mr and Mrs Frank G Fisk on Thursday,
January 28th, 1915.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mildred Louise is the little baby girl who came, October 7th,
1914, to make her home with Mr and Mrs Ray Wagner.

Burr Oak Acorn
A daughter, Mabel Winnifred, was born to Mr and Mrs Frank Williams,
Tuesday, August 4th, 1914.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Earl Weaver of Noble are the proud parents
of a baby girl that arrived at their home Monday, 25 November 1912.
And all take notice of the smile that it's grandpa Modert.

Burr Oak Acorn
The stork's on duty in Texas. Says a wireless to The Acorn:
"Mr and Mrs R.H. Mooris announce the birth of a daughter on 5 March
1915, at 4 p.m., weight 8 pounds. Congratulations!

Burr Oak Acorn
We hear that Mrs Uriel Cummins Mabie of Sturgis has within
the past week presented her husband with twin daughters.
Newspaper dated 5 December 1914

Newspaper unidentified
Mrs Charles Mabie and twin daughters, Ruth and Ruby
went to Burr Oak yesterday to visit her parents, Mr and Mrs C Cummings.
The twins are now three months old and quite well again after their serious
illness a month ago.
Note: article is undated but based on the birth of the twins, this would
have occurred circa 5 March 1915. I've placed this article with the births
because of the closeness to the birth of these twins.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mr and Mrs Glen Milliman, who recently moved from this
vicinity, are the proud parents of a little boy born March 5th, 1915. Mother
and baby doing nicely.

Burr Oak Acorn
Annis Garn has grown immensely since the arrival
of that new daughter, born to himself and wife 20 February 1915.

Burr Oak Acorn
Stork Visits
Last Friday, February 2, 1915, a baby boy came to the home of
Mr and Mrs Eben Tisdell.
And a baby boy has been added to the family of Mr and Mrs Don Milliman,
13 February 1915.

Burr Oak Acorn
To Ed Borgert and wife (Martha Baumeister) of Sturgis,
on 11th February 1915, a baby boy was born. All doing very nicely. Sure
we congratulate.

Believe the Sturgis Democrat
Halbert Thomas Jacobs, is the name of the little son,
who took up his residence at the home of Mr and Mrs Homer Jacobs
on East Chicago Street Wednesday.
dated in ink 24 March 1915

Burr Oak Acorn
Last Saturday, 20 March 1915, the stork visited the home of Mr
and Mrs Roy Kibbe of Union City and left with them a baby girl.
All doing nicely and Burr Oak friends will surely extend congratulations
to the very pleased parents.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mary Marjorie is the name of the little daughter who came
to make her home with Ray Wagner and wife, May 6th, 1915.

Burr Oak Acorn
Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Beadon Bucknell.
Girl, born Saturday, 10 April 1915, and all doing well.

Burr Oak Acorn
Orland ~ A baby girl came to Mr and Mrs F.J. Werner's
last Friday, weight 20 pounds. ~ Zenith
dated July ? 1915....can't read the day and the 20 pounds is NOT a typo
on my behalf!! jrg

Burr Oak Acorn
Both good and bad news comes to us from Mr and Mrs Melvin Tennent
of Sedro Woolley, Washington. On March 20, 1915 a baby girl was born to
them, and 11 days later they lost a little son, aged one years and 13 days.
The mother will be remembered here as Miss Alice Hastings.

Burr Oak Acorn
Mrs J.H. Walter was with the family of her son Otis, several
days last week, helping care for her little granddaughter, Dorothy Helen,
born Monday, August 9th, 1915.
Our congratulations to Otis Walters and wife (Grace Ultz)
of the Freedom section, to whom a little daughter was born, Monday ~ Burr
Oak Acorn.

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