
Gleaned from the papers of Geneva Smith
Most of these marriages will have taken place within
the borders of St Joseph County, Michigan but there are many from other
parts of the country printed in local newspapers because they involve former
residents of St Joseph County. I've made every attempt to identify the
newspaper the articles came from but where I'm not able to do so, that
article will be marked as "newspaper unknown".
The gratitude and thanks to Geneva and her daughter
don't seem to be enough for the protection they've given over the years
to this most important research tool that Shirley Elmer has so graciously
allowed us to share. I am in her debt.

Burr Oak Acorn
Wedding Bells in 'Brooklyn'
Announcements have been received
of the marriage of Miss Marjorie, daughter of Mr and Mrs S.H. Hogle,
to Mr Hagen Gray New of Indianapolis, Indiana, on Monday, September
6, 1915, at 12:30 o'clock p.m., at the home of the bride's parents on the
Brooklyn side.
Rev. Newsom of Sturgis
read the beautiful ring service, after which a dainty four-course luncheon
was served by Miss Cora Weaver and Mrs Elsie Hill, of Sturgis.
Mr and Mrs New left
on 4:40 train for a short wedding trip, and will be at home at 1321 Park
avenue, Indianapolis, after October 1.
The out-of-town guests were
the groom's mother, Mrs Kate New, Misses Grace Lawler and
Ruth Scharfe, and Rudolph Miller, all of Indianapolis.
The Acorn joins the many friends
of the bride in wishes of perpetual joy and happiness to the newlyweds.

Burr Oak Acorn
Dennis ~ Garlets.
A few days ago Miss Clarice Garlets,
16, of Batavia township and Joy Q Dennis, 20, of Quincy, were joined
in wedlock.
The winsome bride is well
known to many of our people, the family having a few years ago lived in
and near this village. Very best wishes!
date in ink is 6 September 1918, date of wedding
or Acorn date is unknown.

Newspaper unknown
printed date: July 1, 1915
Leo V Pugsley, pattern maker, and Fern
D Spigelmyer, stenographer, Three Rivers.

Colon Express
Sims ~ Broker
On Thursday of last week Colon's
popular music dealer, composer and vocalist was united in marriage to Miss
Olive Elida Sims, a Salvation Army lassie, in Detroit. The ceremony
was performed by Adj. J.H. Conlin and took place in the Salvation
Army Rescue home, at 2 o'clock p.m. The bride, attired in the regular uniform
of the army, was attended by Capt. Evelyn Reamey and C Nevison Roberts,
well known here, acted as best man. A fine dinner, followed by toasts and
well wishes for the future bridal couple, followed the ceremony. They returned
to Colon, which will be their future home, on the evening train. The congratulations
of their many Colon friends were extended.
Note: date October 28, 1915 and except for the
mention of the name Broker on the first line of this
article (the heading) the groom's name is not
mentioned at all! See next entry.

William Broker, plane
dealer, Colon, 34, and Olive E Sims, officer in salvation army,
Detroit, 29.

Burr Oak Acorn
Grove ~ Link
At the Methodist parsonage
in Coldwater, Monday, October 11, 1915, by Rev R.E. Meader, Mrs
Mary M Link of Burr Oak and Mr Francis N Grove of Noble,
were joined in wedlock.
The bride, who in the earlier
days was a resident of Noble, has been a citizen of this village a great
while and is truly a most excellent lady.
The groom has for years been
known for his strict honor and successful life.
Their future home will be
in the City of Coldwater, where they are already housekeeping in a residence
which was a gift to the bride from her husband.
May every happiness be theirs.

Burr Oak Acorn
Parham ~ Waldron
Married, at the M.E. parsonage
in Kendallville, Indiana, October 6th, 1915, Miss Wilda R. Waldron,
daughter of Mr and Mrs W.F. Waldron of Kendallville and Mrs Leon
A Parham of Burr Oak, Michigan.
On the evening of the 5th
relatives and friends of the bride to the number of eighty met at the Waldron
home and gave them a shower and farewell reception.
Immediately on their arrival
in Sturgis they went to their home at 216 Susan avenue, where they will
soon be at home to their friends.
Mr Parham, honorabe
and thrifty, has been in the employ of the cash register company since
May 1st.
Best wishes to these happy
young people.

Newspaper unknown
Marriages Extraordinary
Botts - Bishop.
On Tuesday, by Rev Thomas Hastings, Mr Julian Botts to Miss
Harriet Bishop.
We thought
the horse's ailments,
Fell not to human lots;
The church is not exempt, it seems,
A Bishop's got the Botts.
Williams - Williams.
On the 29th ult., (?) Mr William Williams and Miss Lizzie Williams,
both of Williamstown. For further particulars,
see small bills.
Neill - Tier.
On Wednesday last, Mr William Neill to Miss Jane Tier,
A sad
event, we rather fear,
She turned to kneel and dropped a tear.
Note: this compiler confesses to never having
seen marriages reported like this EVER. All available information is given

Believe Burr Oak Acorn
Upham - Nelthorpe
At Tekonsha, Michigan, Thursday, July 15, 1915, Miss Viola
Nelthorpe and Mr Oscar Upham, both of Coldwater, were united
in marriage by Rev Carman, at the parsonage.
For several years the bride has been a valued employe in the
dry goods store of J.B. Branch & Co., and has a wide circle of friends.
The groom, well known thruout this locality because of having
been a "live wire" here for years previous to his moving to Coldwater,
has many friends, who will join in hearty good wishes to the happy pair.
Coldwater will continue to be their home, their residence being
located at 236 West Chicago street.

Newspaper unknown
Hambright ~ Beckwith
Miss Bertha M Hambright
of Sherman township, and Mr Mentor S Beckwith of Grand Rapids, were
married at M.E. Parsonage, at Burr Oak, Thanksgiving Day, by Rev Roy Showerman.
The bride is well and favorable
known here, while the groom holds the position as motorman in Grand Rapids.
The couple will visit for some time with relatives and friends in this
vicinity and will make their home in Grand Rapids after December 8th. The
Journal joins their host of friends in wishing them a long life of happiness.
dated 3 December 1908 in pen

Newspaper unknown
Fred Whitehouse Married
After being in Sturgis for about three years, without making a ripple,
Fred Whitehouse, has done something exciting. In his usual quiet
manner he went to Centreville Thursday morning and married Miss Mabel Claus,
formerly of Detroit.
Fred came from Albany, New York three years ago, and is employed
in the drapery department of the Kirsch Mrg Co. His friends knew he went
to Detroit occasionally, but his marriage came as a surprise.

Newspaper unknown
Fechler ~ Godfrey
At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs Erdine Coney Godfrey,
in Battle Creek, on July 4, 1915, Miss Muriel E Godfrey and Mr William
J Fechler were united in marriage.
The groom is a merchant in Flint, Michigan and that city will
be their home.
The popular bride has many friends in this locality, who will
wish them every joy.

Walterspaugh ~ Louder
Miss Alma B Louder and Mr William O Walterspaugh,
were the principals in a quiet and pretty home wedding at the home of the
bride in Colon, Michigan, April 14, 1915.
Mr William E Wagner was best man and Miss Calista B Draper
attended the bride. Rev J.H. Schreffler of the Reformed church officiated.
This most estimable couple have a host of friends who extend
best wishes for their future success and happiness.
Mr and Mrs Walterspaugh will be at
home to their many friends after May 1, at Mr Walterspaugh's farm
near Findley.
Application for license printed in another edition:
William Walterspaugh, farmer, 37, and Alma B Louder,
housekeeper, Colon, 33.

Tice ~ Munsell
At three o'clock last Saturday afternoon, June 26, 1915, at the
M.E. parsonage, Miss Gladys Munsell and Mr Earl Tice were
united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Morse, and since that
time they have visited with relatives here, Snook's landing, Bronson and
Sturgis. And while they were the guests of Mr and Mrs Vern Keeslar,
Tuesday night, they were visited by a large and very noisy collection of
'bellers' who made life pretty miserable for the innocent citizens of that
part of town, at least.
There are no young people in Burr Oak more respected than Earl
and Gladys. Both are graduates of our High School, he of the class of '14
and she of the class of '15, and will continue to reside here.
"May they live long and prosper."

believe Burr Oak Acorn
Yesterday Ralph Whipple of Noble and Miss Maud Smith
of Bronson were joined in wedlock.
Best wishes.
dated in ink 3 March 1915

believe Burr Oak Acorn
On Thursday, 16 November 1911, Roy Keeslar and Miss Ida
Martin, popular young people of Gilead, were united in marriage
at the home of the bride.

Ultz ~ Ely
At the Lutheran parsonage last evening, Wednesday, March
31, 1915, two of Burr Oak's most popular and respected young people, Mr
Earl E Ultz and Miss Mary Ely, were united in marriage by
Rev Paul Noffze.
The happy pair, graduates of our High School, immediately commenced
housekeeping on the spacious farm of this parents, adjoining, the west
village limits, where they are certain to enjoy life in its fullness.
The Acorn joins their host of friends in extending very best
The application for marriage printed in another earlier edition:
Earl E Ultz, farmer, 21 and Mary Ely, housekeeper,
19, Burr Oak.

Mizner ~ Link
At Detroit, on Easter Sunday,
April 4, 1915, Mr Stacey S Mizner and Miss Audrey Link, were
joined in holy wedlock and are now at home at 60 Edmund Place in that city.
These popular young people have lived in this
village nearly all their lives and most assuredly have the hearty good
wishes of every citizen.
It will be remembered that the groom is a
member of Detroit's police force.
Note: Stacey S Mizner is buried in Burr Oak Cemetery, having
been shot in the line of duty as a police officer. jrg

newspaper unknown
Edgell ~ Aldrich Wedding
Newport, Rhode Island, December year is given......
Miss Elsie Aldrich, youngest daughter of ex-Senator Nelson W Aldrich,
was married today at the Aldrich home at Warwick Neck, to Stephen Maurice
Edgell, Harvard '07, of Newport, N.H. The ceremony was simple, and
there were no bridesmaids, Miss Aldrich being attended by her niece,
Miss Abby Rockefeller, daughter of Mr and Mrs John D Rockefeller,
Jr., as flower girl. Her nephews, Lawrence Rockefeller and Nelson
W Aldrich, 2nd, were pages. Horace Havemeyer of New York
was best man.
Miss Aldrich has been prominent in social activities
in New England and at Washington, where she was an intimate friend of Miss
Helen Taft and a frequent visitor at the White House. It is said
she first met Mr Edgell at a reception in Washington. She is the
close friend of the wives and daughters of most of the foreign diplomats
at Washington. One of her sisters, Abby Greene Aldrich, married
John D Rockefeller, Jr., in 1901.
Young Mr Edgell is well known in Denver, Washington,
Newport and New Hampshire.

Froh ~ Graves
Sturgis Democrat, November 27, 1914 ~ Wednesday afternoon
at three o'clock, Mr Ernest A Froh, the bookkeeper in the Sturgis
National bank, and Miss C Agnes Graves, a popular young lady of
Fawn River township, were married by Rev. C.B. Newsom at the Presbyterian
manse. Mr Earl B Tice and Miss Gladys E Munsell of
Burr Oak, accompanied them. Their friends extend congratulation.
The bride is the only child of Mr and Mrs Edward Graves,
is a graduate of our High School, and has many dear friends. The groom
is the only child of Mr and Mrs Carl H Froh and has always had the
respect and esteem of our citizens. He is a graduate of our High School
and has held several postions of trust previous to going to Sturgis. He
will succeed.
The happy pair are already housekeeping at 307 West West
Street in the Electric city.
Very best wishes of us all!!

Brandle ~ Legg
On sunday afternoon, August 19th, 1906, in Coldwater, Michigan,
Alexander J Brandle and Miss Bernice Legg, both of Burr Oak,
Michigan were united in marriage by Rev E.T. Gray. The ceremony
took place at the home of the groom's grandfather, Jos Brandle.
Success to them!
The application for marriage license printed in an earlier edition:
Alexander J Brandle, Burr Oak.....19 years and Bernice Legg,
Burr Oak.......18 years.

Burr Oak Acorn
Popular Burr Oak Teacher Weds Sturgis Man
Last Saturday, Mary 30, 1907, Miss Pearl O Hackman of
Burr Oak, and Mr Claude O Fox of Sturgis, were united in marriage
at South Bend, Indiana. The announcement came as a great suprise to her
many friends.
The bride, always a Burr Oak girl, is held in high regard by
us all. She is a graduate of our High School, and for a long time has successfully
presided over the school's grammar department, which position she has resigned.
Mr Fox is one of Sturgis' much respected young men, and
holds a clerkship in Tripp's clothing store, though he has a farm near
Klinger Lake.
We are not informed as to the future home of the happy couple,
but be it in the city or on the farm, the very best wishes of our citizens
are theirs.

Happily Married
A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of the bride's
parent's Mr and Mrs J Newman, the contracting parties being Miss
Carrie Newman and Mr Charles Gawl of Chicago. The ceremony
was performed Wednesday evening at eight o'clock in the presence
of a company of friends and relatives of both the bride and groom by Rev
A.H. Bailey, pastor of the First Baptist Church.
dated 30 May 1906 in ink

Newspaper unidentified
Probably Burr Oak Acorn
At coldwater, Tuesday, August 14, 1906, Frank Slate of
Bronson and Miss Eva Fair of Burr Oak, were united in marriage.
Best Wishes!

Mrs Susan Prouty was in Coldwater a week ago yesterday,
where in the evening, together with about forty others she witnessed the
marriage of her son Arthur D Prouty and Miss Jessie D Chase,
which took place at the home of the bride's mother. Our best wishes to
the happy pair.
dated in ink 19 September 1896
In another article earlier in the week:
At Coldwater, the first of the week, a marriage license was issued to
Arthur B Prouty of this place and Jessie D Chase of Coldwater.
Note: in the announcement of the wedding, Arthur's middle initial is
'D', whereas in the marriage license application it's 'B'. jrg
not dated

Transcribed and edited by Josephine Reed Foster Garzelloni,
November 1997
Presented to the St Joseph County, Michigan GenWeb
for the free use of all. Not to be taken or used for profit or publication.

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