[Song of the Day] [Mp3s Lists] [Vietnamese Mp3s] [Chinese Mp3s] [English MP3s] [What's MP3 ?] [VN-Mp3 Links] [Go to Mainpage] [Email to Resquest a Song]
I will note here my special thanks to Nuoc Tuong Bui , HoPho , Hung Nguyen, Pham Long and Sohong for the direkt links in my page to their websites and ftp-servers. I am very appreciated what they 've done for me and general for all vietnamese Mp3-Lovers. Click on their names, you can link to their very nice homepages and would have a lot of fun there. I hope in the future still to have some more friends, who will cooperate with me to improve this page. That is the best way to advertise vietnamese music and vietnamese culture as well !!! But we all should be carefull when we 'll log on ftp-servers, so they and their owners have no trouble and can let we always in. Here are some important rules you' ve to follows:
1. You only allow to login in one at the time If some FTP-servers don't work or you don't log on cause users limit, then you can come back later and try again ... Besides I have most of those song in my archive. So you can check lists of MP3-songs in every artist sections and then request me the songs you like. But cause limited HD-space and possible overload, I can only put small number of MP3s into my server, so please understand if you can't download them just in time. I 'll try to let ftp-server for requested songs work all day !!! th |
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in this Page since 29.01.98
Take some time to read my poems and stories while downloading and let me know how you enjoy them :-)
All what I have I'll share with you !!!
There are about 600 Vietnamese MP3s in VN-MP3 Lists
Sorted by Title of Songs - Sorted by Singer's Names - Sorted by Archive-Volume
The most of vietnamese songs in this list you could download direct on servers below !!!
And more than 500 English MP3s in the English-Mp3s List
Songs you see in those lists but can't find them in servers, you can email me if you want to request
Ti`nh Ye^u Dde^'n trong Gia~ Tu+` by Lam Nhat Tien
Daily Updated, Fast and Direct Download 24h per Day
Press SHIFT-Button and Click on Mp3-Songs to download. |
New Added Songs
Songs at Request
!!! Important Note !!!
Now is the summer time, after the hard exams will some of my mp3 friends in US go to relax with ... g/f, i guess :-))) so some links to their servers in my page should shut down during this time, but they will be opened just when the study begin again. I hope all of you have understanding with them.
And I ??? I will go to Vietnam !!! Wanna someone see me there in this summer (around Juni) ??? tell me ... we can do some fun things there together ... surely more fun then only hear so boring vietnamese mp3s :-)))
The NTB_Soundtrack-Collection of wellknown-HongKong films
Especially for HK-film fans, who take all day and night to watch those videos with boring content and poor quality ... or for someone who fall in love with some persons like "Co Long", "Hoang Dung", "Quach Tinh" and and and ... :-)))
WICKED RICE HoPho's MP3-Page(It is BACK, up and running!!!) |
Music-Site by PhamLong
If you like vietnamese Realaudio then go to http://phamlong.user.msu.edu/nhuquynh |
Site by Nuoc Tuong Bui(Vietnamese music representing in Harrisburg, PA) |
Hung Nguyen's Music-Collection |
Khoa Dang's Page(a new Mp3's Lover !!!) |
VN-Mp3 Site by LPham (about 20-30 songs, maybe update sometimes) |
The FTP-Site by sepa (all songs by Nhu Quynh, only opens at the weekend) |
The FTP-Site by huong (some collected VN-mp3s) |
The FTP-Site by Clannton (Many various collected VN-mp3s) |
Song of the Day | Mp3s Lists | Vietnamese Mp3s | Chinese Mp3s | English MP3s | What's MP3 ? | VN-Mp3 Links | Go to Mainpage | Email to Resquest a Song