The Kent State Killings

Although the Kent State killings are not as well known as some other things, I think that they are one of the most important events of the 1970's. These killings are a perfect example of what happens when we let our govnerment control our lives and take away our rights.

In the United States, rising civilian dismay with the Vietnamese conflict led to many protests frequently resulting in direct confrontations between the demonstrators, often college students, and National Guard troops. After the U.S. incursion into Cambodia in search of Communist sanctuaries, students at Kent State University in Ohio demonstrated against the war in May 1970. When the protesters refused to leave after the gaurdsmen ordered them to, the gaurdsmen launched tear gas at them. In response to this some of the protesters starting throwing rocks at the gaurdsmen. When the National Gaurdsmen realized that they were being hit with rocks they opened fire on the crowd, killing four students and wounding nine.

This incident sent a wave of shock and horror throughout the country. As a result protests around the country increased and a general attitude of discontent permeated through colleges. This was a big blow for the government.

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