Greeting's and Welcome!!!!
hello, pardon the mess. this is my first attempt and therefore should be forgiven , if not forgotten. someone mentioned tripod to me and so i thought i'd use it as my starting point into technobabble. nobody's told me yet where the journey ends.....lucky for me i like long safaris. i have lots to say and i will keep adding words as they enter my neurological pathways...well, not all of them, you'd get bored and confused pretty fast. about me: i like so many things it's not even funny. the sheer vastness of things that i love is matched only by the immensity of things that i really can't stand. so, i'm an extremist. sort of. i consider myself to be happy, rather well-grounded and very selective in taking what life proffers. my philosophy is short.... i live and love as much as i can contain. i was born in uganda, i have a british passport, am a canadian citizen, born to punjabi, east indian parents, have married a traditional aboriginal canadian....i am ethnically diverse, the u.n. is alive and well within me and is not subject to american rules. i am that rare breed of socially responsible anarchist. i am woman , hear me roar....%^))
More about Me!!!!!!
i know you were dying to ask, but were too polite to.... my 'real' name is mita which, in punjabi, means 'friend'. my parents knew, even then....go figure! i love getting mail, so write to me as soon as you finish reading this ok? please and thank you! when i'm not in yahoo chat - gorpies, to be specific, i like riding horses. i'm as new to that as i am to websurfing. my horse hasn't thrown me yet. my puter's knocked me flat on my derriere three times. guess which one likes me better? tell me about you. i want to know. really! i do! i like john lennon MUCH better than paul i like strong men and even stronger women i like watching northern exposure. i could fit in in a town like that. like more than i could possibly mention i paint because i love colour and vibrancy in every aspect of my life i love the sun and heat and warmth i love the fact that i'm sitting here doing this because i never thought technology and i could ever be neighbours let alone friends... who would have thunk it!!!!!
Favorite links!:
Xhaottixa Art Gallery
Berengaria's Gallery
NEW!!!:Trip to the Highland Games!
Highland Games Photo Album II
Highland Games Photo Album III
more to come!!
Send me an E-MAIL !!!!!