~ Part Two ~

Hey! You found Part Two!!! Great! Now let's rock and roll and see what craters we can identify...

Crater Stofler...

And casting some mighty fine shadows this morning!

What a beauty... I wonder how tall that wall is?

Keplar, Aristarchus, and Copernicus...

Hmmmm... sorting through some stuff and I found this one. A bit drawn back, but the clarity is decent.

Craters Timocharis and Eratosthenes also figure prominently in the picture.

Rockin' around Crater Phocylides...

At the extreme southern edge of the Moon is a wonderful area to explore at high magnification. There are so many craters that I wonder if they've all been named!! Wow...

Craters Metius, Steinheil and Watt...

These craters feature prominently in the center of the frame...

To the top of the picture is Crater Fabricus and Valles Rheita.

Eratosthenes Crater...

Best part of this shot is the sneaking edge of Copernicus on the terminator!


Details near Schiller...

Sometimes I find a high magnification shot that shows excellent clarity. My current Moon map doesn't identify the crater most prominent in the picture, but the one edging in at the top left corner is Schiller...

Craters Cleomides, Geminus, Burkhardt and Masala

The first four craters I ever learned! (and, boy howdy... am I ever learning more about craters now! YOU should try this... ;)

I still enjoy...


Nice capture on Plato... but the area around Goldschmidt Crater and its' tall mountain peak simply steal the show in this frame!

Plinius Crater...

Not exactly easy to identify! Plinius is the shallow crater to the top of the frame... We are viewing along the edge of Mare Serenetatis.

The Caucasus and Appennine Mountains...

Strikingly beautiful, this lighting reveals the mountain ranges at their very best...

"I never meant to fade away..."

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