1999 Journal

January 1st, 1999
Ben Is No More
Ben was a treasure of a little animal. Born about 2 months ago from a street dog we affectionately name Girlie, he was a healthy and well fed little darling.

His brown shinny hair was very soft and he had a black strip on the back. His face had the softest eyes you have ever looked into. Black eyes with a very special warmth.

On Dec. 30th, Ben suddenly became very weak. Out of five puppies Girlie entrusted to us when she came and had them in our yard, we were left with Ben and Chica. All the others we gave to loving people (we hope).

We did not understand why Ben was sick. Chica had been sick the day before, and recovered. Ben seemed to be suffering from food poisoning. Girlie has a habit of bringing them back food she stocks in her stomach and vomits for them. Did she bring something spoiled or some poison, are we ever to know? Chica did not get sick because the previous day, we were keeping her inside the house, so she did not eat the food Girlie brought back.

Ben became worse as the day went on, and by 9 PM, he was so weak he would just lay there with his eyes open. I tried to help him stand, but he was not able to do so. Even drinking became too hard.

At 9:30 PM, we took him to a vet. We know that Thai people don't care for animals, but I never expected a vet to be so ignorant of what he was doing.
He looked at Ben and took his temperature. Then he started to make him vomit, but he was holding his head tight behind and the poor little darling choked. I was there and I couldn't believe my eyes. This vet did not even know he killed the poor animal, and went on checking his temperature.

Ben lied there, his little life had ended, just 26 hours away from a new year.

Ben was so trusting when I held him in my arms to bring him to the vet, who I thought, was going to save him. He was letting his head go against my neck and cuddling into me, grabbing my arms with his nails.

Ben, may you be in Heaven, and may you be as happy as you seemed to be when you were with us!

We love you Ben and we miss you... so dearly.

Last night, when I was holding out my champagne glass to wish the world a Happy New Year, I did say a few words especially for our little pet we lost just in the eve of a beautiful New Year.

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