My Friends

 Thank You For

  The smile that greets me at the start of my day.

The warmth of friendship that
accompanies me to sleep each night.

The ear that you lend when I am troubled.

The smile you give when I've lost my own.

The shoulder that's offered when I am sad.

The hugs that help me lift my spirits.

The celebrations for my small successes.

Your thoughts and concerns, which you freely share.

Your spirit's gentle gift of
compassion and patience when I am in need.

 This year, my celebration of thanks has to
begin with a message to you. For all
your friendship has meant to me.

© Copyright Brenda Hager, November 1998
Do not use or reproduce without permission

""When the heart sings and the spirit soars,
the music of life is complete."
bkh - October 99
"Love is the music the heart sings best."
"To bring you laughter each morning and warmth at night...
would bring me joy at all hours." :c)

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