Theo Verelst Mixed Analog Digital Electronics Ideas page
Sort of a mixed bag of ideas partially already implemented and
tested, most of the circuit diagrams are from the top of
my head, but almost doublessly would work after minor or no
additional engineering.
Low voltage multichannel pwm power control
Using the PWM depth control loads up to 50Amps or so can be
power controlled. Lamps and heaters should be fine, motors
ans other inductive loads
may need different oscillator frequencies than this ca. 1kHz,
which can be easily arranged.
I forgot the part number of the powerfmosfets I used, I seem to
remember they switched fine into the megoherz range, and
when directly steered from logic (with good charge coupling
properties) hardly suffer from their large gate capacitance, and
dissipate energy roughly based on their Ron, which as as I
remember it was something like 0.005 Ohm, for a $2 "tip" type
device. I used it to dim car headlights without the need
for a heat sink. Comparators can be of simiple type.
|--| 10k |---------
| |------| +5V | |------|
-----| |\| | 12V o---| 7805 |--------o +5V
| |-----------|-\ | |------| |
| | 10nF | >---- | --- 100nF
| --- |--|+/ | --- --- //
| --- | |/| --- | 100uF
| | | --- | | 10k ---
| --- | comp | |
| | ---
| | |
| --------------
| | |
| --- ---
| 10k | | | | 10k
| | | | |
| --- ---
| | |
| +5V o--| --- +12V
| | |------
| --- o |
| 8k2 | | Load ---
| | | o / \
| --- | |
|----------|------| |\ |------
--- --|-\ A B |---
10k | | C D | >-----o------o----| Power Mosfet
| |<-o--o-|+/ |->- (will look up #)
PWM depth | | |/ |
--- comp |
| ---
8k2 | |
| |
Improvements and additions to the above
To give theabove design touch or other control, CD should be
broken, and D can be used as a voltage control input, roughly
linear between 5/3 and 10/3 Volt. For touch control, add the
folowing units, and use a fet input comparator (of buffer
in between):
-------------------> D
o---+5V |\ | |
"touch" | \ |--- |
o------------------| >---------->| 1/4 4066 --- 1uF
| | | / |--- --- MkM
1MOhm --- 1nF | |/ | |
| | --- CMOS E o ---
| | --- Buffer |
--- | (e.g. 1/4 |
| | 74HC00) F o |------|
--- --- |---| |---o Udes
|------| (e.g. 0V,
2.5, or 5V)
EF can be broken to force a voltag eon E. Otherwise, a slow
intensite change results to Udesired.
Microprocessor control
Power driving is quite easily controlled by microprocesors.
The display and (fast) cmos Z80 card decribed in the synth sections
can act as car microprocessor basis system quite well and
quite cheap, except I don't know wether the military spec-ed
parts should be used for very high and low temperatures.
The 16 7 segment LED display can hold simple, well readable
texts (even from distance), and the whole system can be low
poer enough to even remain active for weeks on an
average car battery, with out the need for recharge.
It is also quite cheap to add alarm channels (either through
very slow (cheap) AD circuitry or simple inports, and to
add activation channels such as the powermos based driver above,
which an quite easily be steered from an interupt based
PWM software routine, and even have software based
elaborate timer capacities added without to much difficulty.
To drive units with zero mass connection (usual in cars), a
p channel fet could be used (if availalble), or this
circuit extension:
|\| |-------|
|---| |--------| 78L05 |--
| |/| | |-------| |
| --- | |
| --- | |
| | | |
+12V o-------------------------------|------------------------|-----
| | | | |
|------| | | --- -------- |
----| |----|---| | \ / | |
| |------| |\| | | --- |\| |
| | \ | | | | | | \ |---
|-------------| >O-|---| |---|---- >---| >-------|
--- | / | | PWM in | / |->-
--- |/| |/| |
| Schmitt tr. --- |
| | Buffer o
| | (TTL in ?) Rload
| | o
| | |
0V o--------------------------------------------------------------
Some more high level car based ideas
Remote controlled cameras (ccd units) with servo control (over
existing RC model channels and equipment), UHF modulator (cheap
FCD allowed (?) 50mW), preferably directed antenna.
Add notebook for more possibilities.
Laser based communication channels
Modulation rate for power LED'S? (tried a few 10's of kHz at least)
parabolic slightly diffusely mirroring capture dishes.
10cm diameter or so to deminish possible danger to the eye and
susceptibility to rain, snow and birds.
Remote controlled dishes (moulded plastic, alu foil deposit based?).
Source search algorithm, also on complementary phototransistor
dish. Defocus ("large angle" scan) option, mechanically or
second (displaced photo transistor).
Possible bandwidth for decreased modulation index, geometrically
locked channels (between stationary objects, possibly behind
Might be sufficent to have a cheap, supplier independent high
speed computer link. How about a block IP equivalent, and
mulitple controlled dish units?
Just hope the neighnours leave their equipment on when they leave,
or at least some of them. What would be the range?
The price shouln't be the problem, servos are relatively cheap,
optical dishes are mass producable, laser diodes exist,...