Some of the interesting fauna of Isis are...

FLICKERVISES--Jellyfish like airborne life, with glowing "cold" light like a firefly. Between that and the Shrouds of Isis, the nighttime can be quite a spectacle. Uses hydrogen to make itself rise, sometimes explodes in flames. Cold light's evolutionary purpose unknown, perhaps to attract mate and warn of enemies. Can make the light flicker as signals. The trailing tendrils are really primitive sense organs.
NUROCS--horse sized birdlike beings, the smaller gravity and more extensive atmosphere lets these pseudo-birds reach greater size than earthly birds. Bears young live, not egg-lying, in pouch. Does build nest for middling stage, outside of the pouch but not ready to fly. Takes advantage of great thermals and extensive animals. Predator and carnivore. Can carry off a dog-sized or child-sized being. Beaked and feathered. Sometimes feeds on flickervises.
MOCKDEMONS--jackal scavenger-like animals that roam the desert. They tend not to approach man but instead "mock" from a distance, until enough of their numbers gather...THEN attack. Travel in packs. Insane laugh like the Shadow's. Feathered and beaked, yet landbound, they bear their young live and let it live in marsupial-like pouch.

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