A collection of pictures of my beautiful daughter, Marla.

"Geeze....mama has the camera again!!

"Smile, Tequila! 'Cause I ain't!"

"Yeah, big whoop, I'm graduating. Here's my fake smile for you silly photographer!"

"Damnit, I hate it when the phone rings at dinner time!"

"How many more years of this???"

"Why won't these people ever leave me alone?"

"Look , ma, it melted on my face - not on my hands!"

"Yeah, this is the life!"

"Are you SERIOUS? I can't even take a bath without you coming in here with a camera?!?"

"Just take the picture so I can eat the candy for Pete's sake!!!"

"Whaddaya mean...act like a GIRL???"

"Did someone break wind or is my diaper full again?"

"So this is home, huh? Big deal...and what's with the flash there lady??"

"Smile? Sure, for ten bucks I can smile."

"I was not picking my nose, I was scratching it!"

"Let's just get on with opening the presents, shall we?"

"Got milk?"