MST3K is no more. Unfortunatly, I have lost all intrest in MST3K. So, I will now say goodbye to this site. This was my first website, I created it in 1997, and it has had well over 10,000 hits (even though that stupid counter keeps resetting).

I will leave the page up here for however long it stays, but I will not be updating it. You can still email me with your questions, but I might not know the answer to all of them.


United States

The Bots: (Click for parts list and construction instructions)

Tom Servo
Gypsy - currently on hold
Crow - in progress
Non-Bot creations - Some other cool MST3K props

The bottom of my page

Logo (top of this site) thanks to darkknight

T&K's, Play MSTy for Me, Again! - Another great bot building page
Bot Building Faq | Bot Building Help Message Board

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