I know it say's Wunderdog,above but I am a
"super" dog so I took the name of "Wunderdog" to
be different.
I am a only "puppie".born to "ANNIE",and to
"SNOOPY".At least I am the only one who survived
of the "bunch".
I soon will be a full grown adult dog,in only
five months.And I cant hardly wait.I have so many
things I want to do,with out "MOM",saying "NO".
Like all "teenage" kids I dont get along with
"DAD".He was really named right,as he is
"SNOOPY".I cant go any where with him
grumbling,and growlng at me.
There is one place he can't go,and thats on
"MOM'S" bed.I get to sleep there,and he don't.
I am a natural blond,no dye for me,and I have
curley hair.And a "LONG" tail.That tail is my
pride and joy.
But for some reason,it keeps getting trod on.
The strangest things are going on in my head.The
sweet mama of cousin "SKEETER" is for some reason
causeing me to follow her around.She don't like
Did I tell you there is a gate from the kitchen
to "MY" bed room.? Well I can't seem to get my
"BUCKET" under that gate,with it in my mouth.I
really get frustated when it wont fit.
Guess what I did? Mom was takeing a "BATH" in the
big puddle in that little room,and it looked like
she was haveing so much fun,I jumped in to.She
started yelling "Come in here and see" and that
other "GUY",came and took me out,and used some
noisey hot thing to dry me off.
Now "MOM" keeps the "DOOR" shut,and I cant get
Do you see the "TEDDY" on the side? I dont go any
where with out my "TEDDY".And if you get hungry
while I am talking,have a "BONE".
When my "MOMMIE" hides her "BONES",I wait until
she isnt looking,and go get them for my self.She
hides them every where,under the bed,under the
pillows,in side the shoes,but the best place is
in "DADS" underwear.
You ought to hear him "YELL",when he cant get his
legs past that "BONE".
In another little "ROOM",there is a thing "MOM"
calls a clothes basket.What ever that is,but any
way,it has big "HOLES",in it and its so much fun
pulling things out of it,and makeing them in to
"SMALLER" pieces.
"MOMMIE" hides her "BONES" in there to,and I
guess some times they make a big noise when they
get in a thing called "WASHING MACHINE".
I dont want to confuse you,so let me clear this
up."MOMMIE" is my birth mom,and "MOM" is "BOSS".
This is my Favorite saturday morning cartoon show
person.I think he is so "KEWL",not really a
dog,but I think he acts like one,and they sure do
treat this little guy like a dog.
I wonder what it would have been like to live
then,and have all the really big bones,and not
this little bitty one.
Now if puppies could make wishs,and they could
come true.I would like to be like "BAM BAM",I
think "MOM",named me after him.
I then could have my own little "DOGGIE",and not
have to stay in side,when I want to go out,and
maybe I could even go to "SCHOOL",and learn how
to read and write and
not just "EAVESDROP",to learn what I have
This little house is out side,I dont really live
out there,but if I get caught in the rain,I at
least have some where to stay dry until
"MOM",calls me in.
Which really is not to long,as she watch's out
for my welfare.
There is a lot of talk in the house now,about
"THANKSGIVEING",and something called
"CHRISTMAS",now I dont know what they are,but I
do know that it includes a "TURKEY".
I guess it means some one new is comeing to visit
the house,or play in my "YARD".It had better
remember that this is my "YARD",and not get in my
But for some reason,I think it is comeing for a
different purpose.Dont know what yet,but I bet I
will find out.
Well,what do you know,that "TURKEY",is not a
visitor,but a "DINNER".Its going to be food.
Look what they have done!!!. This big "TREE",is
in my house,in the "FRONT ROOM",now why would
they put a tree inside?
I always thought tree's were out side,for
birds,bees,ants,and my special "PURPOSES",not in
a house,and all of those strange,pretty things on
it,and all ready i have been told by "MOM",stay
away from that "TREE",BAM BAM,why?
I get to go by the "TREES",out in my "YARD",all I
want to.
I think I am beginning to under stand what this
is all about.Its something called
"CHRISTMAS".Last night I heard a bunch of noise
out side,and started warning "MOM","WOOF WOOF",I
said,and she told me,be quite its some nice
people singing "CHRISTMAS" songs.
I really got exicted then,and when "MOM",went out
side to see the people,I went to,and I helped
them "SING".
I dont think I knew the "SONG",but I joined right
It all means that in a few days,or so this nice
in this funny looking fur coat,is going to be at
every bodys house,and have "DINNER".
Or some thing to do with a "DEER",that
"FLYS",like a "BIRD"?
"MOM",is very busy,planning so I try to help.I
run with the paper,chew the ribbons,take the
tape,and some thing called "SCISSORS",and
"MOM",really gets after me.
Well,I guess thats all for now,be sure and read
the rest of my "LIFE".sign my Guest Book,and I
hope all of you find under your "TREE","ME".